Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label week. Show all posts
Showing posts with label week. Show all posts

My week & some big sales


EN: Hi, dears! Just a quick post to tell you about a great sale and how my week was.

First of all, yesterday I was at the Cora event - the presentation of their new collection Influx. More about it in the next few days.

RO: Salutare! O postare rapidă despre niște mari reduceri și despre cum a fost săptămâna mea.

În primul rând, ieri am fost la evenimentul Cora - prezentarea noii colecții Influx. Mai multe despre asta în următoarele zile.

Days of walking in the park and running errands.
Zile de plimbări în parc și de rezolvat treburi.

And the big sale on RomweCheck it out!

1. 20% off selected items
2. Date: 05/25/2013—05/27/2013

Și marea reducere de la Romwe!
1. 20% reducere la anumite produse
2. Durata: 25/05/2013-27/05/2013

Mont Affair Fave Dress Giveaway


EN: Hey, there! Just wanted to let you know about a great giveaway Mont Affair is holding. Until 24th September they will choose a winner every week, a winner who will walk away with the favourite dress which they had been eyeing on montaffair.com. The tasks are easy and you can enter here. The giveaway is international. Good luck!
Below you can see some of my favorite dresses.

RO: Salut! :) O scurtă postare pentru a vă spune despre un concurs pe care Mont Affair îl desfăşoară. Până pe 24 septembrie ei vor alege un câştigator în fiecare săptămână, câştigător ce îşi va putea alege orice rochie de pe site-ul montaffair.com. Cerinţele sunt simple şi vă puteţi înscrie aici. Succes! 
Mai jos puteţi vedea câteva din rochiile mele preferate.

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

Outfits of the week


Instead of doing a post with just one outfit, like I usually do, I will make this post with several outfits I wore during this week.
I will begin with the outfit from Monday when I went out to have a drink and have a short walk.
I love the floral leggings I'm wearing here, they pretty awesome if you ask me!:)..and the brooch expresses my attitude that day:P

Blazer-no name
Brooch- handmade by BURP

 This next outfit I wore on my grandmother 69 birthday celebration on Wednesday. We had a little family get together.
  I like the lace details on this crop top and I have this skirt for more then 7 years and it’s in great condition.
Skirt-no name
Necklace-Forever Young
With my mother.

Ok, now to the last outfit. This is what I wore today, Sunday, for a walk in the park with my guy. Some nice shades of purple (tee, tights) and keeping in it simple.
Top, skirt&flats-no name
Tights-Laura Baldini
Belt-BURP (worn backwards)

Which one do you like the most? (if you like any:)))
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