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Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts

Flower girl dresses


I like going to weddings, I like to be all chic and stylish. I also like looking for the most beautiful dress out there. I'm sure you do too. And if you have children you like to make them look the best. Is extremely fun to dress your daughter in a lovely dress, but it can be a hard job to find the perfect one. If you want to have that dress you just need to check TBdress.com You can select  from a wide range of  inexpensive flower girl dresses. The dresses there are just adorable, your daughter will be delighted to wear one of it! And if you don't have a little girl just yet and this is your wedding, I'm sure you are thinking about the flower girls and how to dress them. You can choose from many options right here: http://www.tbdress.com/Cheap-Flower-Girl-Dresses-70/.

Be a chic bridesmaid!


An important and indispensable part of a wedding are the bridesmaid dresses. They need to be gorgeous, chic, classy, but they don't have to outshine the bride. You can choose them from different fabrics, colors and models. They can be short, midi or maxi. Just keep them in the same theme as the wedding. A simple dress is more recommended than a sparkly, glittery one. Keep it classy and add some lovely accessories. If the dress is simple you can go for statement jewelry. I never been a bridesmaid, but if I were I would pick one of the dresses below.
You can find many more junior bridesmaid dresses right here: http://www.tbdress.com/Cheap-Junior-Bridesmaid-Dresses-101142.
Don't forget to have fun at the wedding, this is the most important thing!

Wedding flowers for your big day


Lately I've presented many wedding and bridesmaid dresses, but I didn't focused on another indispensable item: the wedding bouquet. The wedding flowers are a very important piece in your big day. What is great is that you can choose your dream bouquet from a variety of flowers, colors and shapes. You can even choose to insert different fabrics to make it look more chic, like silk, satin, lace etc. You have lots of possibilities to make it the best bouquet in the world.
Find your perfect wedding flowers here: http://www.tbdress.com/Cheap-Wedding-Flowers-7930/.

Blog recommendation: TB Dress


Hello, girls! Today I want to recommend you a blog, http://blog.tbdress.com , a blog where you can find advices on how to have the perfect wedding, on how to rock a specific color, on how to find the right style for you. You can also find ideas on how to mix and match different items and styles. You can get inspired by street styles and celebrity styles and learn what items are more appropriate for your body shape. The fashion trends are also discussed on the blog, as the dress codes are.
Be sure to check it!

The lady in green


EN: Pretty ladies, is time for an outfit post. This is what I wore to my cousin's religious wedding that took place last Saturday. But can you believe I didn't took any photos? So I thought is a good idea to recreate the outfit. Except the hair and the great make-up made by Adela Manolache, this is the look. And yeah, I didn't took any photo with the make-up either.
The green dress is from the Cora Influx collection, my lovely sandals are from Matar.ro. I danced a lot and my feet didn't hurt a bit. How about beautiful look and comfort? That's a great mix for me. Check their site for more prettiness. The accessories are all again from Meli Melo.

RO: Fete dragi, e timpul pentru o nouă ținută. Asta am purtat la cununia religioasă a vărului meu, ce a avut loc sâmbăta trecută. Puteți să credeți că nu am făcut nici o poză, dar niciuna?! Așa că m-am gândit să recreez ținuta. În afară de coafură și de machiajul minunat pe care mi-l făcuse Adela Manolache, cam asta e ce am purtat sâmbătă. Mda, nici cu machiajul nu am făcut vreo poză.
Rochia verde face parte din colecția Cora Influx, iar frumoasele sandale sunt de la Matar.ro. Nu am stat jos mai deloc și am și dansat mult, însă picioarele nu m-au durut defel. Confort și stil în același timp. Un mix grozav pentru mine. Pentru încălțăminte de calitate vizitați și voi site-ul www.matar.ro.
Accesoriile sunt, din nou, toate de la Meli Melo (nu uitați de concurs).

Dress/Rochie - Influx
Sandals/Sandale - Matar
Clutch, necklace, bracelet/Plic, colier, brățară - Meli Melo

The look from the restaurant.
Ținuta de la restaurant.
With my dear cousin, sister of the groom.
Cu verișoara mea, sora mirelui.

Find the dress here.
Găsiți rochia aici.

Going classy


EN: Hello, lovelies! Say hello to my classy dress! This dark green satin dress is a great choice for a cocktail party, a prom party or even a wedding party. Mine is from dressestylist.com, made with my measurements (well, I lost some weight since I've received it). Is pretty wonderful that you can choose the color and the fabric for your dress. Even more wonderful is that you can choose from thousands of models. You just send your measurements and you got a beautiful dress. Feast your eyes by checking the site.
I was in a hurry and I couldn't take so many photos of the dress, but I hope these ones will give you an idea of its quality.

RO: Salutare, dragele mele! Vă rog salutați cum trebuie rochia mea elegantă. Această rochie din satin de un verde închis e o alegere bună pentru o petrecere de cocktail, pentru un bal sau chiar pentru o nuntă. A mea este de la dressestylist.com, făcută după măsurile mele (bine, am mai slăbit de când am primit-o). E destul de grozav că îți poți alege culoarea și materialul pentru rochia pe care ți-o dorești. Doar trebuie să trimiți măsurile și e a ta. Ce e și mai grozav e că poți alege din mii de modele de rochii. Clătiți-vă ochii intrând pe site.
Eu eram în mare grabă și nu am reușit să fac prea multe poze cu rochia, însă sper că vă puteți face o idee despre calitatea sa.

Dress/Rochie - Here
Headband as necklace/Bentiță purtată drept colier - Accessorize
Bracelet/Brățară - gift

Also check the mid-season sale from Romwe, up to 70% off.

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2.  Valid date: 06/01~ 06/07/2013

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