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Showing posts with label silver. Show all posts
Showing posts with label silver. Show all posts

The best gift for holidays: the perfect jewelry


Tis' the season to be jolly! And what makes us jolly this time of year?! Giving and receiving gifts. Jewelries are an wonderful present, I don't know one woman who isn't excited when she receives a great bracelet, a fancy pair of earrings, a classy necklace. Either you want to make a lovely surprise to your girlfriend or wife if you are a guy, to your mother, to your best friend, you can't go wrong with jewelry. I recommend buying one from here: http://www.tidebuy.com/c/Jewelry-Accessories-c1-101609/, they have exquisite pieces at very good prices. 
I'm sure you will choose the perfect jewelry from the large variety you can find on the site: with crystals, zircon, silver, diamonds, rhinestones, amethyst etc.
Make the lady on your life happy by giving her the best present for holidays: the perfect jewelry!

The grey outfit


EN: Lately I've been all fancy pancy. It was about time I wear a casual outfit. This one is from last Sunday, not from yesterday when the weather was incredibly cold for this time of year. But I don't complain, I like some rain and cold now and then, it makes me melancholic and I like being melancholic.
Some words about the outfit: I went with dark colors this time. I received this shirt some weeks ago and didn't know with what to wear it so I choose a simple outfit, an outfit that will not need to much time to invest in it. I think it turned out rather ok.

RO: În ultima vreme am fost mai mereu elegantă, așa că am simțit nevoia unei ținute casual. Cea din postarea de azi este de duminica trecută, nu cea de ieri, când vremea a fost foarte rece pentru perioada asta a anului. Nu mă plâng însă, îmi place puțină ploaie și puțin frig din când în când. Mă face să mă simt melancolică și ador senzația asta.
Câteva cuvinte despre ținută: am ales culori închise acum. Am primit cămașa cu câteva săptămâni în urmă și nu știam cu ce să o port. Până la urmă am ales ceva simplu, o ținută în care să nu investesc prea mult timp. Cred că a ieșit binișor.

(click the pink word for the exact link/dați click pe cuvântul roz pentru link-ul exact)
Shirt/Cămașă - Here
Shorts/Pantaloni scurți - Mango via kurtmann.ro
Shoes/Pantofi - Nine West
Bag/Geantă - The Bag Shop
Earrings/Cercei - random store

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What to wear: Prom


Not so long ago I was talking you about prom dresses. Guess what? Today I'm doing it again. Why is that, you ask? Well, because I found some gorgeous ones. You remember my advices on how to wear them, right? If not, I will tell you againdon't go overboard with the accessories, the simpler, the better, especially if your dress has beaded or sequined details. Go for a light hairstyle, not too fancy, avoiding the hairspray excess, the hair has to breath and to look natural. Choose the dress appropriate for your body type, it doesn't matter if you think a dress is gorgeous, if you think is not right for your body shape, don't buy it. Buy one that is and trust me you will feel a lot better.  
This season I recommend pastels, gold or silver or bright colors.
Here are the prom dresses 2014.

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