Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Be fabulous at your prom!


Is March already, just three more months and many of you will graduate high school or college. I'm sure you now ask yourselves: "What I will wear?"You can opt to find your prom dress online. Is easier, comfortable, the variety of models is very high and the prices are for every pocket. 
I didn't had a prom when I finished high school (so many years ago), maybe that is why I frequently look at sites where this type of dresses are sold. They are enchanting, so I envy those of you who will get to wear a dress like that. A few advices: don't go overboard with the accessories, the simpler, the better, especially if your dress has beaded or sequined details. Go for a light hairstyle, not too fancy, avoiding the hairspray excess, the hair has to breath and to look natural. Choose the dress appropriate for your body type, it doesn't matter if you think a dress is gorgeous, if you think is not right for your body shape, don't buy it. Buy one that is and trust me you will feel a lot better.  
Below are a few of my proposals for your prom dress.

Be fabulous!

Cats and necklaces


EN: In my previous post I was all classy and s**t :)), in this one I'm all about casualness and comfort. I'm wearing a pretty navy dress paired with some adorable flats and a statement necklace. Was all I needed for a day of shopping. Also tried a new hairdo, what do you think of it? 
I'm keeping short, because I had an exhausting day. See you soon!

RO: În postarea anterioară am purtat o ținută elegantă, așa că am decis ca de data asta să vă arăt ceva casual și confortabil. Port o rochie bleumarin cu niște balerini adorabili și un colier statement. O ținută potrivită pentru o zi la cumpărături. Am încercat și o nouă coafură. Cum vi se pare?
Cam atât pentru azi, pentru că am avut o zi extenuantă. Să aveți un weekend frumos!

(click the pink word for the exact link/dați click pe cuvântul roz pentru link-ul exact)
Dress/Rochie - Stradivarius via kurtmann.ro
Necklace/Colier - Appleineye
Flats/Balerini - Mini Prix

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

Classy lady


EN: Here it is, my first outfit post this month. The weather was terrible, constant rain and cold, not very favorable for chic outfits or for taking photos. Today is the first day in two weeks that I see some sun. 
I received this dress a while ago and I couldn't wait to wear it, I love its shape and color. The outfit was planned for some time, I just needed some good weather and an occasion to wear it. The dress is from Little Mistress, an online UK store that I adore. I also wore another piece from them in this post
The bag, a new acquisition and a new favorite, is a gift from me to myself for Women's Day. :) Yes, I make the most perfect gifts! :))
Enjoy the outfit, babes! 

RO: Iat-o, prima ținută de luna asta. Vremea asta neprielnică, ploaie non-stop și frig, nu m-a ajutat deloc să creez ținute șic sau să fac poze. Azi e prima zi în două săptămâni când văd puțin soare.
Rochia am primit-o acum ceva vreme și d-abia așteptam să o port, îmi place foarte mult forma sa. Nici cu nuanța bleumarin nu mi-e rușine. Ținuta era plănuită mai demult, aveam nevoie doar de vreme frumoasă și de o ocazie să o port. Rochia este de la Little Mistress, un magazin online din Marea Britanie cu multe, dar multe lucrușoare faine! Eu mai am o rochie de la ei, m-ați văzut purtând-o aici
Geanta mi-am făcut-o cadou de Ziua Femeii, nu i-am putut rezista, e superbă și clar a devenit preferata mea, cum se întâmplă de altfel cu toate lucrurile noi pe care le cumpăr. :) Și da, dăruiesc cele mai frumoase cadouri! :))

Dress/Rochie - Little Mistress
Blazer/Sacou - ZLZ
Bag, necklace, bracelet/Geantă, colier, brățară - Meli Melo
Boots/Cizme - Filty

 You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

Your perfect wedding dress for spring 2014


The wedding season is fast approaching, spring is just around the corner and you want to be the most beautiful woman in the world on that special day, your day. The spring 2014 wedding dresses are charming, very chic and special. The lovely details make them unique, just like the way you will feel when your destiny will be tide with your loved one. I made a selection of dresses that are not common, because I like things that are different, that can make you stand out. And what better day to stand out than your wedding day?
MillyBridal offers you a wide range of wedding dresses, so you can pick anything your heart desires. Here are my proposals for you.

Mini and midi wedding dresses are also a good choice.
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