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Showing posts with label elegant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label elegant. Show all posts

Party dresses for any occasion


Parties, we all love them! How can we not?! Parties are fun, they are a great opportunity to meet new people and socialize, have a few drinks and interact. But as much as we love parties that don’t have a dress code, we have to go to more fancier and classier parties too. The solution when we have such a party to attend is Jecicadress where we can find party dresses for every occasion.
Choose the one right for your personality, body shape and more important, the one that applies to the dress code of the party. Don’t be afraid to be bold, even if you choose a simple dress you can add a statement accessory for a more out of the ordinary look.
Pastel colors are great for women with bright hair color, they can add a nice contrast. Black and white will never go out of style so don’t be afraid to wear them when you have the chance.
Beads, sequins and pearls can add more chicness, but you have to be very careful not to go on the tacky side.
Whatever dress you choose make sure that you feel comfortable, is nothing worse than to wear an inappropriate dress to a party.

Pale blue is the perfect pastel color. Goes remarkably well if you are a redhead. Is a delicate color that is right for the sensitive, romantic ladies.

Graceful dresses for elegant events


Long, graceful dresses are always the perfect choice for a fancy event. They give so much class and they make you feel like a real princess. You can never go wrong with this kind of dress. Even if you are petite you can still wear it, choose something that elongates your waist. Don't be afraid to wear it, I'm small and I can rock maxi dresses. :))
These selection of inexpensive homecoming dresses: http://www.tbdress.com/Cheap-Inexpensive-Homecoming-Dresses-7913/ can give you an idea on how the perfect evening dress should look like.
Either if it is strapless, if it has beads or sequins, either is a-line or mermaid style, you can find the perfect 2014 homecoming dress for you.

Tips for wearing an elegant dress


Hey, guys! I'm thinking on giving you some tips on how to wear the homecoming dresses in 2014. I know this event is almost here and you are looking for the perfect dress, but besides that maybe you are wondering on how to wear it.

If you choose a simple dress, from veil, chiffon etc.,  follow these rules:

  •  wear statement jewelry
  • choose a sophisticated hairdo
  • don't go wild with the make-up, keep it appropriate for the event and at the same time make it glam
  • choose a pair of shoes with a comfortable heel as you will dance all day or night

If you choose a dress with appliques, sequins and a more complex design use these tips:

  • wear delicate jewelry
  • go for a simple, not messy or very elegant hairdo
  • keep the make-up minimal
  • the shoes have to be simple too. You want the focus to be on your dress.
  • try to have maximum two colors for the accessories and shoes, especially if the dress has more than one color. You don't want to look like a Christmas tree.
If you apply these easy rules you will look fantastic.
Here are some of my favorite 2014 homecoming dresses that you can find on the TBdress website: http://www.tbdress.com/Cheap-Homecoming-Dresses-2014-102332/.

The neon trend


EN: Today I was planning on going to the seaside, but the bad weather didn't allowed me too. I'm thinking of going tomorrow, but I'm not sure I can take a sun bath at just 22 degrees Celsius/71F. I'm undecided. What do you think, too cold to lay in the sun? 

Now let's change the subject and talk a little about the outfit. I'm wearing a very nice neon dress with a great shape. I love it, because you can dress it down or up. You can wear it with sneakers and a denim or leather jacket or the way I wore it, a bit classy.

My favorite color is green, so when I saw these sandals I knew I need to have them in my life. I didn't thought about comfort, I just thought about looks. But I had the surprise to discover that they are the most comfortable heels I own. 
The necklace and clutch are from Meli Melo's latest collections: Sicilian Holiday and Inca. I just adore the clutch, I'm a big fan of the aztec print.

RO: Azi aveam de gând să plec la mare, chiar îmi făcusem și bagajul, dar vremea asta nu mi-a permis să o fac. Mă gândesc să plec mâine, dar nu cred că la 22 de grade pot să lenevesc la soare, cum plănuiam eu. Sunt tare indecisă! Voi ce ziceți, șanse de un bronz la gradele astea?

Schimbăm subiectul acum și vă povestesc câte ceva despre ținută. Port o rochie neon cu un design tare fain. Îmi place mult pentru că o port purta atât într-o ținută casual, cât și într-una elegantă. Dacă adaug niște teniși și o jachetă din denim sau piele am un look casual, iar dacă adaug o pereche de sandale cu toc, un colier sau cercei statement și un plic am o ținută ca cea de azi, elegantă.

Culoarea mea preferată este verde, așa că în momentul în care am văzut sandalele astea am intrat în transă. :)) Nu mi-a păsat câtuși de puțin dacă sunt confortabile sau nu. Ei bine, surpriza a fost că sunt cele mai confortabile încălțări cu toc pe care le am.
Colierul și plicul sunt din cele mai recente colecții Melo Melo: Sicilian Holiday și Inca (le găsiți în magazine și online). Imprimelul aztec e unul dintre preferatele mele, așa că ador plicul!

(click the pink word for the exact link/dați click pe cuvântul roz pentru link-ul exact)
Dress/Rochie - Here
Sandals/Sandale - Here
Necklace, clutch/Colier, plic - Meli Melo

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Classy lady


EN: Here it is, my first outfit post this month. The weather was terrible, constant rain and cold, not very favorable for chic outfits or for taking photos. Today is the first day in two weeks that I see some sun. 
I received this dress a while ago and I couldn't wait to wear it, I love its shape and color. The outfit was planned for some time, I just needed some good weather and an occasion to wear it. The dress is from Little Mistress, an online UK store that I adore. I also wore another piece from them in this post
The bag, a new acquisition and a new favorite, is a gift from me to myself for Women's Day. :) Yes, I make the most perfect gifts! :))
Enjoy the outfit, babes! 

RO: Iat-o, prima ținută de luna asta. Vremea asta neprielnică, ploaie non-stop și frig, nu m-a ajutat deloc să creez ținute șic sau să fac poze. Azi e prima zi în două săptămâni când văd puțin soare.
Rochia am primit-o acum ceva vreme și d-abia așteptam să o port, îmi place foarte mult forma sa. Nici cu nuanța bleumarin nu mi-e rușine. Ținuta era plănuită mai demult, aveam nevoie doar de vreme frumoasă și de o ocazie să o port. Rochia este de la Little Mistress, un magazin online din Marea Britanie cu multe, dar multe lucrușoare faine! Eu mai am o rochie de la ei, m-ați văzut purtând-o aici
Geanta mi-am făcut-o cadou de Ziua Femeii, nu i-am putut rezista, e superbă și clar a devenit preferata mea, cum se întâmplă de altfel cu toate lucrurile noi pe care le cumpăr. :) Și da, dăruiesc cele mai frumoase cadouri! :))

Dress/Rochie - Little Mistress
Blazer/Sacou - ZLZ
Bag, necklace, bracelet/Geantă, colier, brățară - Meli Melo
Boots/Cizme - Filty

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