Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

I'm B.A.D, baby!


EN: Here it is a quick Friday post. I took the photos yesterday on a gloomy, rainy day..so sorry for the rather not good quality. Just one mention about the outfit: I'm wearing this great  B.A.D Style crop top made by Adriana Delia Barar that I've won here. Thank you, Adriana!

RO: Iata o postare rapida de vineri. Pozele sunt facute ieri pe vremea aia posomorata si ploioasa...asa ca scuze pentru calitatea nu prea buna. O singura mentiune despre tinuta: port tricoul asta fain, marca B.A.D Style, creat de Adriana Delia Barar pe care l-am castigat intr-un concurs pe blogul ei. Multumesc, Adriana!

Crop top/Tricou - B.A.D Style
Skirt/Fusta - H&M
Earrings/Cercei - Bohemian Sin
Tights/Ciorapi - Laura Baldini
Belt, rings/ Curea, inele - random stores
Shoes/Pantofi - Nine West

...and a photo with my messy hairdo at home
...si o poza cu coafura mea de acasa

Bits and pieces


EN: This is a part of my last week in photos.

RO: O parte din saptamana trecuta in poze.

Walk in the park
Plimbare in parc

Family visit with Hawaii inspired outfit :)
Vizita de familie cu o tinuta inspirata din Hawaii:)

At the COME AS YOU ARE fair with Anca from Casa de Moda Fancy and their beautiful creations.
La targul COME AS YOU ARE cu Anca de la Casa de Moda Fancy si creatiile lor minunate.
(Photo Credit - Casa de Moda Fancy)

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Hippie, geeky, chic?


EN: Hello sweetie pies :)

It's that time again: outfit time! Just like the weeks before, today was incredibly hot for this time of year, so I decided to wear my open shoulders dress from Oasap.com. Its soft fabric made me feel really comfortable. Also wearing two other favorite items: the glasses and the floral clogs.:)

RO: E timpul acela din nou: timpul sa va arat o tinuta! La fel ca saptamanile trecute si azi a fost foarte cald pentru perioada asta a anului asa ca m-am hotarat sa port rochia cu umerii goi de la Oasap.com. Materialul ei fin m-a facut sa ma simt foarte confortabil. Mai port doua dintre lucrurile mele preferate: ochelarii si sabotii.:)

Dress/Rochie - Oasap
Clogs/Saboti - Blowfish
Glasses, & bracelets/Ochelari & bratari- random store
Earring/Cercei - handmade from Vama Veche

...and with sandals
...si cu sandale

Swimsuits for every girl


EN: Summer is near! In Romania it already feels like summer with the 30 degrees Celsius temperatures we're having here! That makes me think of the time I'm going to spend at the beach and of course of bathing suits.
For me there is no doubt, Asos.com has the best swimwear! Below are my favorite swimsuits.:) Get ready to be amazed!

RO: Vara e aproape! In Romania deja pare vara, temperaturile de peste 30 de grade Celsius ne-au luat cu asalt! Asta ma face sa ma gandesc la timpul pe care il voi petrece la plaja si bineinteles la costume de baie.
Pentru mine nu exista nici un dubiu ca Asos.com are cele mai grozave costume de baie! Mai jos vedeti costumele mele preferate dintr-o singura piesa.:) Pregatiti-va sa fiti fermecate!

Do you have a favorite or, just like me, you love them all?
Aveti vreun preferat sau, la fel ca mine, le iubiti pe toate?

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