Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Christmas outfit and presents


So here it is the outfit I wore on the second day of Christmas to visit my grandparents. It's a maxi dress that screams Christmas: reindeers, snowflakes, Christmas trees. Also the accessories I chose were perfect for this holiday: a Santa ring and handpainted tree earrings.


And here are the presents I've received:

a gorgeous ring

an wonderful scarf

a great t-shirt

an winter round scarf (I don't know how it's called exactly)

and two sets of earrings (there are two black ones that aren't visible in the photo: some cats and some zippers)

Really curious what your presents were. Tell me all about it! 

I leave you with a nice image of my living room


  1. You hit the jackpot girl! Loving the scarf and the rings! You look adorable! ~Serene

  2. ohhh wonderful presents!!!


  3. cred ca fularul se cheama ceva de genul "cowl neck scarf", dar nu sunt foarte foarte sigura :P
    si ce cadouri adorabilee :X

  4. @The Elegant Bohemian: I did, didn't I?:) Thank you so much!

    @Sissy:Yes, I really liked what I got for Christmas. Hope you had some great presents too.

    @BohemianSin: Dap..o ador:)

    @birminghamlady: Eu parca am vazut undeva "turtle neck", dar nici eu nu stiu:)

  5. That dress is ridiculously awesome. I bet it's warm and it does scream Christmas as loud as possible. Tehe, love! I hoe you had a good christmas!~~

  6. Wow, sa nu te recunosc! Dar chiar e frumoasa rochia iar lungimile maxi imi plac foarte mult! Banuiesc ca e si foarte calduroasa:D
    Inelul acela e superb, defapt tu ai numai inele superbe:P

    ♥ kisses ♥

  7. It's a snood :)
    Iti sta foarte bine rochia si imi place chestia aia fetita, orice ar fi.

  8. Stuff to paint with...makeup brushes, although these are still in the mail because my hubby let me purchase them Christmas Day.

  9. wow! e super rochita ta! ce-mi placee

  10. i love that dress how you wear it with boots! the whole outfit is so great!
    Wish you a happy new year and all the best!

  11. @Ali: Yes, it's very cozy, I love it too. Thanks so much

    @Andreea: Si mie imi plac lungimile maxi si desi sunt foarte mica de inaltime indraznesc sa le port:) Mersi:)

    @Mad Hatter: Multam'. Fetita e o brosa pe care am primit-o cadou anul trecut de Craciun de la bf:), alaturi de cerceii cu braduti si alte minunatii.

    @gangsterpixiestyle: Great stuff you've received. Hope you hand a good Christmas too.

    @Cecille: Mersi:)One of my favorite.

    @Cristina: Thanks you so much!

  12. I'm crazy about your dress, it's perfect really, so cozy!

  13. I love the shirt!! xx



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