Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label wishlist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wishlist. Show all posts

Christmas sales make online shopping fun!


I can't believe Christmas is almost here! Wow, this year has passed so quickly! I hope I will get into the holiday spirit this year. Shopping for gifts always gets me in that mood. When I find them in sales is even better. For example Dressve has some Christmas sales: http://www.dressve.com/s/christmas-sales on a lot of items: dresses, bags, shoes, tops and outerwears. I got my eyes on some dresses for the holidays, some short, chic ones: http://www.dressve.com/Fashion/Dresses-101703/ and some extra long maxi dresses: http://www.dressve.com/searching/Extra-Long-Maxi-Dresses-For-Tall-Women/ .What do you have on your wishlist for Christmas? My wishlists always contains a lot of items, let's just hope Santa didn't found out that I've been a rather bad girl this year. Shhh!
Talking about winter and stuff, is freezing cold outside and I have not a warm coat. I always have this problem in winter. I think I will pick one from here: http://www.dressve.com/Fashion/Overcoats-101810/, but I'm not sure which one. A little help will be great. What is your favorite?

It's time for a wishlist


EN: Hello, darlings! I think is time for a wishlist again. I haven't done one in a while. Wait till you see my Christmas wishlist. :D These days I'm into dress, well, I usually am into dresses, literally and figuratively. And into boots, I haven't found the perfect pair yet...ohh, and bags. :) So you will see those listed above in this post.

RO: Salutare, gagici! Cred că e timpul din nou pentru o listă de dorințe. Nu am mai făcut una demult. Stați să o vedeți pe cea de Craciun, care va fi interminabilă!
Zilele astea mi s-a pus pata pe rochii, de fapt de obicei mi se pune pata pe ele, pentru că mai mult asta port. Și pe cizme, ghete, pentru că încă nu mi-am găsit perechea ideală..aa, și pe genți. :) Așa că veți vedea toate astea în postarea de azi.

Those colorful bags are the cutest! And I also love over the knee boots and laced shoes!
Find these goodies at an awesome price here: http://www.tbdress.com/Cheap-Accessories-101912/.

Fancy dresses and casual dresses can be found here: http://www.tbdress.com/Cheap-Womens-Clothing-100506/.

And now is time for the part of this post that will make you say: : "Awww!".
Și acum partea din postare care implică adorabilitate (știu că nu e un cuvânt, dar descrie cam bine ce urmează). :)

Yes, I know I don't have kids, but these were too adorable not to share. Find a lot more on http://www.tbdress.com/Cheap-Kids-102380/.
Da, știu că nu am copii, dar hăinuțele erau prea adorabile pentru a nu vi le arăta și vouă. Găsiți mult mai multe pe http://www.tbdress.com/Cheap-Kids-102380/.

On my wishlist 2


EN: Yes, I want many things, that's why I need to make more then just one wishlist. The one from today has "bags" written all over it! All from Mochi Beaucoup.com. Favorites?

RO: Da, vreau multe lucruri, de aceea am nevoie sa fac mai mult de o lista de dorinte. Cea de azi are scris "genti" pe ea! Toate de la Mochi Beaucoup.com. Favorite?

                                          Petal to the Metal Messenger Bag - $56,80

Blossom Clutch - $39,99

....and don't forget you have only a few hours left to enter the GIVEAWAY!
....si nu uitati ca mai aveti doar cateva ore sa va inscrieti la CONCURS!

On my wishlist 1


EN: These next items are on my wishlist. The dresses I'm going to show you are the loveliest ever. I put the link where you can find them on each...all are from Oasap.com.

RO: Urmatoarele haine chiar le vreau in dulapul meu! Rochiile pe care vi le voi arata sunt tare frumoase! Am pus linkul de unde le puteti achizitiona la fiecare...toate sunt de la Oasap.com.

And some shoes of course...

Si niste pantofi bineinteles...

Lusting for...or just another Christmas wishlist


Christmas is so near, can't believe another year has passed..and it passed so quickly!
And of course Christmas means offering and receiving presents (Ok, you may argue and say that Christmas it's about love, sharing and other things, but you must admit that all of us love to receive presents - and I'm no exception:)). I saw that everybody made a wishlist for Christmas, I will make one too:), but it's not only for Christmas, it's open for all year if it crosses your mind that you want to give me a gift.:)))
So lately I have a big crush for www.storets.com and my list mostly includes their products.

                 Vegan leather sleeve power shoulder shirt - 68 USD

Hermes - Un Jardin Sur Le Nil perfume

Ok, that's about it..or you can add to this list any type of accessories and cosmetics ;)
I'm not demanding, isn't it?

What do you want from Santa this year?

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