Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Business like


EN: Business like...these are the words to describe this outfit or better said: business like with a twist.
Wearing here some of my latest additions to my accessories collection, this Blushing Goodies necklace gifted to me by Diana and the deer ring courtesy of Mochi Beaucoup, one of my favorite accessories sites. Remember you have a 20% discount if you use code Boheme20 when buying something from Mochi Beaucoup.com.

RO:  Ca de afaceri...acestea sunt cuvintele care descriu tinuta mea sau mai bine zis: ca de afaceri, dar mai neobisnuita.
Port cele mai noi accesorii pe care le am, acest colier de la Blushing Goodies pe care l-am primit de la Diana si inelul "caprioara" primit de la Mochi Beaucoup, unul dintre site-urile mele preferate. Nu uitati ca aveti o reducere de 20% daca folositi codul Boheme20 la orice comanda de pe Mochi Beaucoup.com.

Shirt/Camasa - Mini Prix
Necklace/Colier - Blushing Goodies
Ring/Inel - Mochi Beaucoup
Blazer, shoes/Sacou, pantofi - Vintage
Bag, belt/Geanta, curea - Meli Melo
Skirt, tights/Fusta, dresuri - random store

Also don't forget about the $20 gift certificate giveaway. You can order anything you want from clubcouture.cc.

Nu uitati si de concursul pentru un cupon de 20 de dolari cu care puteti cumpara orice doriti de pe clubcouture.cc.

Giveaway: Win with Club Couture and La Bohème - CLOSED


EN: Hi guys,

Today I prepared a surprise for you. In fact not just me, me and ClubCouture.cc. What is it you ask? Well, it's a $20 gift certificate for you to buy what your heart desires from their online store
Below you can find some of my favorites items from the Flair collection and also from the gorgeous new Spring arrivals.

Aren't they lovely?

Now that I got you all anxious, here are the rules to enter the giveaway:

1. "Like" ClubCouture on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/shopclubcouture and then "like" their latest page update.
2. Follow my blog via GFC or "like" my page on facebook: La Boheme.
3. Check out ClubCouture: http://www.clubcouture.cc/ and choose your favourite item. 
4. Leave a comment with the name you follow Club Couture on facebook, the name you follow me via GFC or on facebook and the link to your favorite item plus an e-mail address.
Additional entry: Share the giveaway on facebook, leave the link to the share on a separate comment.

That's it, guys!
The giveaway is international and will run until May 3rd. The winner will be picked with random.org.
Good luck!

RO: Azi am pregatit o surpriza pentru voi, de fapt nu doar eu, ci eu si ClubCouture.cc. Despre ce este vorba va intrebati? Ei bine, este vorba despre un cupon de 20 de dolari cu care puteti cumpara orice va pofteste inima din magazinul lor online.
Mai sus puteti vedea cateva dintre lucrurile mele preferate din magazin care fac parte din colectia Flair si din colectia de primavara. Nu sunt minunate?

Iata si regulile de inscriere in concurs:

1. Dati "like" paginii ClubCouture pe facebook - http://www.facebook.com/shopclubcouture si dupa aceea dati "like" si celei mai recente postari de pe pagina.
2. Dati "follow" blogului meu via GFC sau dati "like" paginii mele de facebook: La Boheme.
3. Vizitati ClubCouture: http://www.clubcouture.cc/ si alegeti-va produsul preferat.
4. Lasati un comentariu cu numele cu care urmariti ClubCouture pe facebook, cu numele cu care ma urmariti pe mine via GFC sau facebook si linkul catre produsul preferat plus o adresa de e-mail.
O sansa in plus: Dati "share" pe facebook concursului si lasati linkul catre share intr-un comentariu separat.

Asta-i tot! Concursul este international si se va incheia pe 3 mai. Castigatorul va fi ales cu ajutorul random.org.

The winner is....Oana! Congrats, I will be contacting you soon!

Castigatoarea este....Oana! Felicitari, te voi contacta curand!

I so fancy you, my dear!


EN: Hello, lovelies!

What a beautiful day for wearing pastels! I do think this outfit screams "spring" from all its lungs! :D:D
I'm in love with this dress from Casa de Moda Fancy, it's so silky-smooth, flowy and I just feel like I'm the canvas of a painter because the print seems painted. A proof that Romanians can do beautiful things too!
I don't know if you heard of Casa de Moda Fancy, but if you didn't you should definitely check their website, the spring-summer collection is gorgeous!

RO: Buna, dragelor!

Ce zi frumoasa sa porti pasteluri! Chiar cred ca tinuta asta tipa "primavara" din toti plamanii!:D:D
Sunt indragostita de rochia asta de la Casa de Moda Fancy, este atat de matasoasa, placuta si gratioasa si ma simt ca panza unui pictor pentru ca imprimeul pare cu adevarat pictat. O dovada ca si romanii fac lucruri frumoase!
Nu stiu daca ati auzit de Casa de Moda Fancy, dar daca nu ati facut-o trebuie neaparat sa le vizitati site-ul, colectia primavara-vara este superba!

Dress/Rochie - Casa de Moda Fancy
Shoes/Pantofi - Nine West
Ring/Inel - Meli Melo
Cardigan/Cardigan - random store

Next on my purchasing list: this dress.
Urmatoarea pe lista mea de cumparaturi: aceasta rochie.

Florals are for me and you


 EN: A quick Saturday post... enjoying the spring breeze.

RO: O postare scurta de sambata...bucurandu-ma de briza de primavara.:)

Dress (worn as a top)/Rochie (purtata ca bluza) - LOVE
Skirt/Fusta - H&M
Bag/Geanta - Oasap
Shoes/Pantofi - Bb Up
Tights/Dresuri - Laura Baldini
Earrings/Cercei - Terranova
Cardigan - Random store

On my wishlist 1


EN: These next items are on my wishlist. The dresses I'm going to show you are the loveliest ever. I put the link where you can find them on each...all are from Oasap.com.

RO: Urmatoarele haine chiar le vreau in dulapul meu! Rochiile pe care vi le voi arata sunt tare frumoase! Am pus linkul de unde le puteti achizitiona la fiecare...toate sunt de la Oasap.com.

And some shoes of course...

Si niste pantofi bineinteles...

Rocking the Litas all day long!


EN: Let me begin by saying I don't like it at all how these photos turned out! At all!
That being said let's talk about the outfit. Remember I've told you on a previous post that I won the Spiked Litas on Style Recognized's blog (thank you again, Su!)? Well I thought it was time to show them off and so I did yesterday! Wore them with a bird print dress, purple tights and big rings..just like this girl likes it! :D

Happy Easter!

RO: O sa incep spunandu-va ca nu imi place deloc cum au iesit pozele astea! Deloc!
Acum ca stiti supararile mele :) haideti sa vorbim despre tinuta. Poate va amintiti ca v-am spus intr-o postare anterioara ca am castigat Litele cu tepi intr-un concurs pe blogul Style Recognized? Eeii, m-am gandit eu ieri ca e timpul sa le scot in lume! Asa ca le-am purtat cu o rochie cu imprimeu cu pasari, dresuri mov si inele mari..exact asa cum ii place fetei asteia! :D

Paste Fericit!

Shoes/Pantofi - Jeffrey Campbell Spike Lita courtesy of Style Recognized
Parrot earring/Cercel papagal - Bohemian Sin
Dress/Rochie - Moonstruck
Rings/Inele - Meli Melo
Tights/Dresuri - Laura Baldini
Belt/Curea - random store

"Body hugging" dress and accessories to die for


EN: Hello there, lovelies! ;)

It's been a while since I've showed you a kinda of sexy outfit.:), so I thought today it is time for that. I recently received these babies, the bracelet and ring,  from Mochi Beaucoup.com and pairing them with this "body hugging" dress seemed like a great idea. What do you think...was it a great idea? :)
If you love this bracelet and this ring as much as I do you can buy them here and here.

RO: A trecut ceva vreme de cand nu v-am mai aratat o tinuta, sa zicem sexy :) si m-am gandit ca azi e momentul sa o fac. De curand am primit minunatiile astea, bratara si inelul, de la Mochi Beaucoup.com si combinarea lor cu rochia asta care imbratiseaza formele mi s-a parut o idee buna. Ce credeti..a fost o idee buna?
Daca iubiti aceasta bratara si acest inel pe atat de mult pe cat o fac eu le puteti cumpara de aici si de aici.

Dress/Rochie - Sophistic Woman
Bracelet&Ring/Bratara&inel - Mochi Beaucoup
Belt, tights, shoes/Curea, dresuri, pantofi - random stores

My new favorite indie fashion store


EN: Hi guys,

Today I want to share with you an online store I recently discovered. I'm talking about Pixics.com, an indie fashion store that has many wonderful items at very low prices. Below are a few of my favorites.

RO: Salut, dragilor!

Azi vreau sa va prezint un magazin online pe care l-am descoperit recent. Este vorba despre Pixics.com, un magazin de moda indie care are multe haine si accessorii minunate la preturi mai mult decat accesibile. Mai jos vedeti cateva dintre produsele mele preferate.

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