Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

I'm gonna make your summer colorful


EN: Those of you who read my blog for a while know I love colors, for those of you who are here for the first time this post is a huge proof that I'm a big fan of colors! :)
I love this dress from Dorothy Perkins and I think that my new wedges from Oasap are perfect for it. They really cute and what I love most about wedges is that they are at the same time comfy and chic..and these ones have a floral print too - this being a big plus for me!
Don't mind my awful hair..I just made these photos one minute after I got out of the fitting room where I've tried on 4 or 5 dresses at 40 degrees Celsius temperatures, so I think this hair is rather acceptable for those conditions. :))

P.S: Guys, do enter the amazing giveaway Oasap.com is doing. You can win one of the 152 items (dresses and blouses) they offer! Join it here.

RO: Aceia dintre voi care imi citesc blogul de ceva vreme stiu ca iubesc culorile, pentru aceia dintre voi care sunt aici pentru prima oara postarea asta este o dovada imensa ca sunt un mare fan al culorilor!
Ador rochia asta de la Dorothy Perkins si cred ca noile mele platforme de la Oasap se potrivesc de minune cu ea! Sunt foarte dragute si ce iubesc cel mai mult la platforme este ca sunt sic si confortabile in acelasi timp, iar acestea au si un imprimeu floral - inca un plus pentru mine!
Nu bagati in seama parul meu ingrozitor..am facut pozele la un minut dupa ce am iesit din cabina de proba unde am probat 4 sau 5 rochii  la 40 de grade Celsius, asa ca as putea spune totusi ca parul meu arata acceptabil pentru acele conditii. :))

P.S: Nu uitati sa va inscrieti la uimitorul concurs de pe Oasap.com. Puteti castiga unul din cele 152 de premii (rochii si bluze)! Inscrieti-va aici!

Dress/Rochie - Dorothy Perkins
Wedges/Platforme - Oasap
Necklace/Colier - Handmade by Ruxish
Bracelets/Bratari - random stores
Bag/Geanta - Moa

Enter Oasap's Super giveaway!


EN: Hey, guys

Today I have two news for you: a great one and an awesome one! :) The great one: Oasap.com is having a huge giveaway! They offer 152 prizes: blouses and dresses. The awesome one: one of you is guaranteed to be a winner if you enter through this link. The more of you enter, the more winners will be, so if you share this link it will be great! I will personally pick the winner/s via random.org. You can enter 3 times! So go ahead and join the competition! Let me know if you've entered. :)

RO: Salut, dragilor!

Azi am doua vesti pentru voi: una grozava si una extraordinara! Cea grozava: Oasap.com are un mare concurs! Ofera 152 de premii: bluze si rochii. Cea extraordinara: unul dintre voi este garantat castigator daca se va inscrie in concurs prin acest link. Cu cat va veti inscrie mai multi cu atat vor exista mai multi castigatori, asa ca daca veti impartasii acest link va fi grozav! Eu personal voi alege castigatorul/castigatorii cu random.org. Va puteti inscrie de 3 ori. Asa ca ce mai asteptati, intrati in competitie!

The winner of this giveaway is Ruxandra Pascal! Congrats, m'dear!

We play with strings with SUBSET


EN: Today I want to share with you a special brand of clothing, an eco-friendly one. I'm talking about SUBSET. SUBSET means three girls that studied at the National University of Arts: Alexandra Abraham, Irina Constantin and Cristiana Pitu, three girls that can change the way you see clothes. Their creation are versatile, feminine and original..perfect for the modern girl! Another plus - SUBSET is best friend with the enviroment: "Subset works with fabrics considered ends of range or just small quantities that remained unsold, purchased from fabric stock warehouses, focusing on eliminating waste material without compromising our design aesthetics." The first collection, "We play with the strings", has just been launched online. International buyers can purchase SUBSET clothing here: https://marketplace.asos.com/boutique/subset/collection.

RO: Azi vreau sa impartasesc cu voi un brand special de imbracaminte, un brand eco-friendly. Vorbesc despre SUBSET. SUBSET inseamna trei fete care au studiat la UNarte:  Alexandra Abraham, Irina Constantin si Cristiana Pitu, trei fete care va vor schimba viziunea despre haine. Creatiile lor sunt versatile, feminine si originale..perfecte pentru femeia moderna! Un alt plus - SUBSET este cel mai bun prieten al mediului inconjurator: "Subset lucreaza cu tesaturi considerate capete de serie, achizitionate din depozite, punand accentul pe eliminarea pierderilor de material fara a compromite insa latura estetica." Prima colectie, "Ne tragem de sireturi", tocmai a fost lansata online.O puteti achizitiona de pe pagina de facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Subset/222576377861481.

A Matrioska and some swallows


EN: It was such a hot weekend! For me a perfect summer doesn't mean more than 30 degrees Celsius, but in Romania is not such thing as a perfect summer..is a don't breath, sweat, melt summer!..and that's just not my thing. Give me spring anytime, sugar!
And now let's brag about my wonderful skirt, that cost me less than 3 euros..that is what I call a bargain! I was just visiting my grandparents when I saw near their place a new, small store and of course I had to enter to see if it had any goodies..and it sure did! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the price of this skirt! I was lucky because it was the only one my size. :)

RO: A fost un weekend atat de calduros! Pentru mine o vara perfecta este o vara cu nu mai mult de 30 de grade, insa aici nu exista asa ceva...este o vara "nu poti respira, transpira, topeste-te"!..si asta nu imi place deloc. Da-mi primavara oricand, iubire!
Iar acum hai sa ma laud cu fusta asta frumoasa care m-a costat 12 lei...un adevarat chilipir! Tocmai imi vizitam bunicii si am descoperit un nou magazin, micut, aproape de locuinta lor si bineinteles ca a trebuit sa intru sa vad daca are vreo minunatie...si avea! Nu mi-a venit sa cred cand am vazut pretul fustei! Am fost si norocoasa pentru ca era singura marimea mea. :)

Skirt/Fusta - Atmosphere
Top/Bluza - Zara
Sandals/Sandale - Scarpasa
Necklace/Lantisor - Meli Melo
Belt/Curea - Vintage

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