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Showing posts with label SUBSET. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SUBSET. Show all posts

We play with strings with SUBSET


EN: Today I want to share with you a special brand of clothing, an eco-friendly one. I'm talking about SUBSET. SUBSET means three girls that studied at the National University of Arts: Alexandra Abraham, Irina Constantin and Cristiana Pitu, three girls that can change the way you see clothes. Their creation are versatile, feminine and original..perfect for the modern girl! Another plus - SUBSET is best friend with the enviroment: "Subset works with fabrics considered ends of range or just small quantities that remained unsold, purchased from fabric stock warehouses, focusing on eliminating waste material without compromising our design aesthetics." The first collection, "We play with the strings", has just been launched online. International buyers can purchase SUBSET clothing here: https://marketplace.asos.com/boutique/subset/collection.

RO: Azi vreau sa impartasesc cu voi un brand special de imbracaminte, un brand eco-friendly. Vorbesc despre SUBSET. SUBSET inseamna trei fete care au studiat la UNarte:  Alexandra Abraham, Irina Constantin si Cristiana Pitu, trei fete care va vor schimba viziunea despre haine. Creatiile lor sunt versatile, feminine si originale..perfecte pentru femeia moderna! Un alt plus - SUBSET este cel mai bun prieten al mediului inconjurator: "Subset lucreaza cu tesaturi considerate capete de serie, achizitionate din depozite, punand accentul pe eliminarea pierderilor de material fara a compromite insa latura estetica." Prima colectie, "Ne tragem de sireturi", tocmai a fost lansata online.O puteti achizitiona de pe pagina de facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Subset/222576377861481.

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