Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label swallows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label swallows. Show all posts

A Matrioska and some swallows


EN: It was such a hot weekend! For me a perfect summer doesn't mean more than 30 degrees Celsius, but in Romania is not such thing as a perfect summer..is a don't breath, sweat, melt summer!..and that's just not my thing. Give me spring anytime, sugar!
And now let's brag about my wonderful skirt, that cost me less than 3 euros..that is what I call a bargain! I was just visiting my grandparents when I saw near their place a new, small store and of course I had to enter to see if it had any goodies..and it sure did! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the price of this skirt! I was lucky because it was the only one my size. :)

RO: A fost un weekend atat de calduros! Pentru mine o vara perfecta este o vara cu nu mai mult de 30 de grade, insa aici nu exista asa ceva...este o vara "nu poti respira, transpira, topeste-te"!..si asta nu imi place deloc. Da-mi primavara oricand, iubire!
Iar acum hai sa ma laud cu fusta asta frumoasa care m-a costat 12 lei...un adevarat chilipir! Tocmai imi vizitam bunicii si am descoperit un nou magazin, micut, aproape de locuinta lor si bineinteles ca a trebuit sa intru sa vad daca are vreo minunatie...si avea! Nu mi-a venit sa cred cand am vazut pretul fustei! Am fost si norocoasa pentru ca era singura marimea mea. :)

Skirt/Fusta - Atmosphere
Top/Bluza - Zara
Sandals/Sandale - Scarpasa
Necklace/Lantisor - Meli Melo
Belt/Curea - Vintage

Rainy days of summer


Hey guys,

I want to start this post by thanking Angie from http://papillonchouette.wordpress.com/ and Laura from http://tenshistylesarang.blogspot.com/ for their support. They really helped me with this new blog:)

Today I want to show you an outfit I wore in June, it was a rainy day of summer. I won't be posting too many old outfits, because when it will be winter I will have on the blog summer looks:D
Here, in Romania, people usually stare at you if you wear tights with sandals or socks with shoes, but I really like doing that and I don't give attention to all the uninspired comments I receive! Tell me what you think about this trend! I'm curious to know your opinions!
So that day I was wearing tights with sandals..so what?! The shorts I have from 4 years now, I chose to belt them with my mom's old scarf, I think it looks really nice. Also wearing this onesie (it has swallows on it) I reedemed from a great fashion site: Chictopia with one flowy, oversized cardigan. As accesories a vintage-like necklace with a lil' mirror and a cameo ring with doves.

Cardigan- Etic
Onesie- Zara
Purse- Terranova
Shorts- Kenvelo
Scarf- my mom's
Tights, necklace, wedges- no name
Ring- Accesorize

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