Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

What this year was all about...


Today we're saying "Goodbye" to this year, I'm sure for everyone was an year with ups and downs, but let's hope next year will be full of joy. So I'm wishing you a "Happy New Year" and an excellent 2012!
I'm leaving you with a retrospective of this year's outfits, don't worry, they are not so many, because I kinda neglected my blog in 2011, but I'm hoping of a 2012 with many interesting outfits.

Lots of love, darlings!

                                                February and March

April (part 1)

April (part 2)

May (later on this post)





In October I didn't post any outfits (shame on me:D)

May and November


Do you have any favorites?

Still in the Christmas spirit


Another Christmassy post.:) This is what I wore going out with my bf the other day, the whole outfit is related to Christmas: reindeers, trees, Santa Claus, snow flakes. Hope you like it!

A big kiss for everyone!

Ho Ho Ho - it is that time of year!


                    Merry Christmas, my dear ones! Hope it is a dreamy one!

And since I promised outfit photos some posts ago I'm keeping my word and delivering! :) The photos are from yesterday! Enjoy them!
Got to leave you now, I'm going to meet with some friends soon.

~melanialupu la concursul de Craciun~


Acum ceva timp melanialupu va oferea prin intermediul blogului meu un premiu tare frumos, o brosa nufar. De data aceasta e randul nostru sa ii oferim ei ceva, si anume un vot la concursul de Craciun de pe breslo.ro. Daca va place braduletul creat de melanialupu, o puteti vota aici sau dand un click pe poza.

Braduletul va fi oferit ca premiu, in cazul in care melanialupu va fi castigatoare, alaturi de alte minunatii: un tablou cu flori albe, un tablou cu flori multicolore si cateva brose bujor mari in cadrul unui giveaway organizat de ea.

Lusting for...or just another Christmas wishlist


Christmas is so near, can't believe another year has passed..and it passed so quickly!
And of course Christmas means offering and receiving presents (Ok, you may argue and say that Christmas it's about love, sharing and other things, but you must admit that all of us love to receive presents - and I'm no exception:)). I saw that everybody made a wishlist for Christmas, I will make one too:), but it's not only for Christmas, it's open for all year if it crosses your mind that you want to give me a gift.:)))
So lately I have a big crush for www.storets.com and my list mostly includes their products.

                 Vegan leather sleeve power shoulder shirt - 68 USD

Hermes - Un Jardin Sur Le Nil perfume

Ok, that's about it..or you can add to this list any type of accessories and cosmetics ;)
I'm not demanding, isn't it?

What do you want from Santa this year?

Win an amazing faux fur collar on Moda si ceva mai mult blog


Loving, loving this faux fur collar that Moda si ceva mai mult is offering on its one year blog anniversary.
Want to win it? Join the giveaway here.
Open only for romanian readers.

On Saint Nicholas Day


It's about time that I post something on this forgotten blog, it's been more than a month since my last post. (it sounds like something from the AA meetings:))) The fact is that in winter I find it very difficult to take outfits photos because I usually go out when is already dark outside and the photos turn out awful. That means this post won't include an outfit..again.:), but my next one will surely do.

Now let's just see what I've received for Saint Nicholas Day...a lot of  yummy sweets as you may already guessed it, but some other nice things too.

                                          All the sweets on a plate

                     Coke with some cute Santa puzzle and an adorable tree

A watch

A necklace

Ohh..and btw on 27th November was my birthday. Some photos from that day:
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