Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

The games that will make your summer amazing


The bad weather has installed in Romania, autumn is here, guys! But I'm sure many of my readers live in warm climates and the sun is constant all year long or at least longer than in my country. We all love summer, summer means joy, excitement and gives us the opportunity to play all sorts of outdoor games. There is nothing more entertaining than to engage in games with your friends and family, is stimulating, gets you closer to one another and brings out the fun and sometimes funny side of you. They are good for your health also and can help with the physical condition too. That is why I thought that I should give you some suggestions on how to make your summer the best one yet. Is available for all of you Romanian readers too although the summer ended here, you can always look forward for next summer if you have your hands on one or many of these products. By the way, some of them are good to use even in colder seasons. Isn't that great? 

You don't know yet what I'm talking about, right? Well, let me tell you that I'm talking about the inflatable goods, or I rather call them goodies, that will make you have the time of your life. You can incorporate them in many games. How does a water trampoline sounds? Or maybe a bubble soccer ball? Or a water roller, an inflatable bouncer, castle or tent? An inflatable water slide or a human hamster ball? It does sounds like fun! And that is not all, you can have your own amusement park made of inflatable item, even an archery tag or a soccer arena. You can visit the website that provides these items to have an idea what you get your hands on: www.inflatable-zone.com.

I imagine going to the sea, a lake, a swimming pool, a river, pretty much anything that involves a large quantity of water :)), adding the trampoline and having tones and tones of fun. Everyone will want to be around you, is a great way to make new friends. You can buy water trampoline online at Inflatable-zone.

And tell me, have you ever played bubble football? Let me tell you, I think is the most fun and funniest game ever. Just google it and you'll see what I'm talking about. You'll definitely want to play it.  When you fall, battle, roll against each other and then bounce, without any risks of course, you'll have a good laugh. The great thing is that you can get online exactly what you need to do this. 

So now that I've made you these suggestions, what do you say, you'll get in the game?

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