Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts

The games that will make your summer amazing


The bad weather has installed in Romania, autumn is here, guys! But I'm sure many of my readers live in warm climates and the sun is constant all year long or at least longer than in my country. We all love summer, summer means joy, excitement and gives us the opportunity to play all sorts of outdoor games. There is nothing more entertaining than to engage in games with your friends and family, is stimulating, gets you closer to one another and brings out the fun and sometimes funny side of you. They are good for your health also and can help with the physical condition too. That is why I thought that I should give you some suggestions on how to make your summer the best one yet. Is available for all of you Romanian readers too although the summer ended here, you can always look forward for next summer if you have your hands on one or many of these products. By the way, some of them are good to use even in colder seasons. Isn't that great? 

A colorful outing


EN: Hello, hello! Two days ago I had a great time with two lovely fellow bloggers, Pepa and Raluca. Took some photos and went for a drink. Here are the photos from that day!

RO: Salutare, salutare! Acum două zile m-am întâlnit cu două bloggerițe super simpatice, Pepa și Raluca. Am făcut câteva poze și am ieșit la un suc. Iată pozele din ziua aceea!

Top/Bluză - PNK Casual
Skirt/Fustă - SH store
Shoes/Pantofi - SuperPantofi.ro
Bag/Geantă - The Bag Shop
Blazer, tights, belt/Sacou, dresuri, curea - random stores
Painted ring/Inel pictat - Pumpkin Design
Earring/Cercel - B.A.D Style

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

Fun in the city and Lookool.ro shooting


EN: On Saturday I attended the Lookool.ro (a Romanian fashion community) shooting. I went there with the lovely Pepa from The Rubber Doll, her sister and Raluca from Blackeyed. After socializing and taking some photos at the event we decided to visit a fair and than have a drink. It was a fun day! These girls are wonderful!
The dress I'm wearing (which I'm guessing it is in fact a top, but because I'm the smallest creature on Earth I can wear it as a dress - Yey for me!) I've received it at the Blogger's Yardsale that took place on the last day of March. In the next post I will show the other goodies I got from there.
Thoughts on the look?

RO: Sâmbătă am participat la ședința foto organizată de Lookool.ro (singura comunitate de fashion colectiv din România).Evenimentul a avut loc la Merci Charity Boutiqueprimul concept store caritabil din România, un spațiu extrem de plăcut. Am mers acolo cu Pepa de la The Rubber Doll, sora sa și Raluca de la Blackeyed. După ce am socializat și am făcut poze am hotărât să vizităm și un târg din Centrul Vechi, după care am mers la o terasă. A fost o zi distractivă! Fetele sunt toate minunate!
Rochia pe care o port (care de fapt este o bluză, dar cum eu sunt cea mai mică persoană de pe Pământ o pot purta ca o rochie - yupppyyy) am primit-o la târgul Blogger's Yardsale ce a avut loc la sfârșitul lunii martie. În postarea următoare vă arăt și ce alte minunății mai mi-am luat de acolo.
Păreri despre ținută?

Dress/Rochie - Moja
Boots/Cizme - Filty
Bag/Geantă - The Bag Shop
Jacket, necklace/Geacă, colier - random stores
Ring/Inel - Pumpkin Design

The cape :)) I'm Superwoman! :D

And at the Lookool.ro shooting

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

Girls in the city!


You think I should have learned my lesson and do a back-up of all my datas when the computer broke a few months ago and I lost everything. You better think twice! I didn't do that and my computer broke again 11 days ago and guess what?? Yes, you sure are guessing right! I lost everything I had in it again! What I hate the most is that I lost all of my photos, memories from different periods of my life that I cherish so much.:(

But these last few days had a great part too! I finally met Angie from Papillon Chouette  in person after talking online for almost a year. She came from Belgium to see me..wow! You can read about her tumultuous journey from Belgium to Romania here. I first discovered Angie on chictopia: angiekje and thought she is really chic and after that we easily became friends. Will tell you more about her vacation in Bucharest and the other lovely blogger we met for the first time in the next posts, but now I want to show you a couple photos from those days.:)

                                                         More to come!
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