Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

10 fall items under 20$


What do I wear? Now that fall is here for the next couple of months, this question is already on every's fashion aficionados lips. To have an on trend and cool look I will introduce you with 10 pieces of clothing under 20$, great price and great designs. Include them in your wardrobe and you will feel great.
A key ingredient for making an outfit fantastic is confidence, if you have it you can rock anything. You have to love what you wear, feel good in those clothes. It doesn't matter how much they cost, if they have a low or a high price, it doesn't matter if they are designers items or not, all that matters is that you feel great wearing them. If they give you a boost of confidence wear them!

Even if it is fall don't give up on dresses, they will look perfect if you pair them with tights, a cardi, maybe a jacket if is more cold, and some chic boots. You can choose from many styles: boho, minimalist, leather and so on. You don't necessarly have to opt for a dress with long sleeves, one with short sleeves is fine if you combine it properly. Dare to wear dresses in any seasons, they represent the definition of femininity.

Find all these goodies HERE.


  1. Love all of these pieces, so lovely :) xx

  2. Just love the kaki dresses. Great and indeed boheme inspiration, dear.

    Take a look at mine:

    Thank you!


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