Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Girls in the city!


You think I should have learned my lesson and do a back-up of all my datas when the computer broke a few months ago and I lost everything. You better think twice! I didn't do that and my computer broke again 11 days ago and guess what?? Yes, you sure are guessing right! I lost everything I had in it again! What I hate the most is that I lost all of my photos, memories from different periods of my life that I cherish so much.:(

But these last few days had a great part too! I finally met Angie from Papillon Chouette  in person after talking online for almost a year. She came from Belgium to see me..wow! You can read about her tumultuous journey from Belgium to Romania here. I first discovered Angie on chictopia: angiekje and thought she is really chic and after that we easily became friends. Will tell you more about her vacation in Bucharest and the other lovely blogger we met for the first time in the next posts, but now I want to show you a couple photos from those days.:)

                                                         More to come!

Things that gives you thrills


I love:
What do you love?

After shoes, comes skirts


Remember I was selling a couple pairs of shoes some time ago? Well today it's skirts turn to go to sale, but again only for my romanian readers.


Fusta Zara TRF, noua, cu eticheta, marimea L-Pret 35 RON

Fusta Bershka, noua, cu eticheta, imitatie piele intoarsa, marimea 40-Pret 35 RON

La achizitionarea ambelor produse pretul total scade la 60 RON.
Daca doriti, pot face poze fustelor, dar arata exact ca in imaginile de mai sus.
Daca sunteti interesate lasati un comentariu la aceasta postare sau trimiteti un e-mail la adresa: boheme.fille(at)yahoo(dot)com. 

Summer love?!


 How are you, babes?!:) Me, well I'm melting here and it seems the temperatures will be as high as up to mid-September..yucks! I might go to the seaside this weekend though and refresh a little.

About the outfit: the top is actually a dress, but I choose to wear it like that because is too short. I like how the straps of the bra seems to be a part of the top.:) I don't know if you see the little brooch, but is a cute black cat.

Thank you so much new followers..and old followers and the people that always leave me comments! You guys know who you are! You're the best!

Brooch-from a fair


Meet my earrings 3


I think it's time for the part three of my earrings collection. Don't you think so?:)
Told you is going to be a long series. If someone knows a cure for accessories addiction give me a call! ;)

1.Kitties, slices of apple, bar codes-from a fair, 2.Victory-hobbywan

1.Green monsters-Junkoteque Shop, 2.Mirrors and giraffes-Meli Melo, 3.Round ones-from a fair

 1. Bottles-Meli Melo (like the ones I offered on February's giveaway), 2. All the other ones-random stores

You can check part one and part two here and here.

Giveaways all around


Hey there, guys!
Lately a lot of giveaways going on in the blogosphere, but today I will invite you to join two that I really like.

The first one is happening on Aminta's blog, she is offering her readers a beautiful red dress.
                             Click on the photo to go to the giveaway post.

The second one is on Patricia blog. Patricia is a romanian blogger, who joined the world of blogging only 4 months ago, but I really think she is doing a great job and I love her style! She is offering her readers a John-Lennon-like Sunnies and a Dreamcatcher necklace.
Click on the photo to go to the giveaway post.

Outfits of the week


Instead of doing a post with just one outfit, like I usually do, I will make this post with several outfits I wore during this week.
I will begin with the outfit from Monday when I went out to have a drink and have a short walk.
I love the floral leggings I'm wearing here, they pretty awesome if you ask me!:)..and the brooch expresses my attitude that day:P

Blazer-no name
Brooch- handmade by BURP

 This next outfit I wore on my grandmother 69 birthday celebration on Wednesday. We had a little family get together.
  I like the lace details on this crop top and I have this skirt for more then 7 years and it’s in great condition.
Skirt-no name
Necklace-Forever Young
With my mother.

Ok, now to the last outfit. This is what I wore today, Sunday, for a walk in the park with my guy. Some nice shades of purple (tee, tights) and keeping in it simple.
Top, skirt&flats-no name
Tights-Laura Baldini
Belt-BURP (worn backwards)

Which one do you like the most? (if you like any:)))
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