Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Sunday boredom


I'm having a boring Sunday. Who wants to take me out somewhere?! :P I would like to go out and have some fun, but I don't have no one to go out with! That sucks!..so instead, I'm staying home and decided to bore you with some blabbing. But I guess you are all out and I'm just talking for myself:))
To be sincere, I'm not in the mood of writing either, so I will just show you something I wore a month ago to do a little shopping.

Shoes-Nine West
Tights-no name


And the question from my last post still remains valid: Who knows a good nutritionist in Bucharest?

Thank you for reading!

Sock it!


My darlings, how you all have been?  Didn't posted an outfit for almost a week I think, but now it's time.
Saturday went to a stand-up comedy show, those of you who are from Romania should check out The Aristocrats who are doing shows every Saturday on Club Prometheus, and this is what I wore. I know everybody wears otk socks these days, but I love them and I'm wearing them from 2 years now and people here still stare like they saw some kind a freak. People aren't that open-minded about fashion in my country. Well they aren't open-minded, period. But I'm used to this, although I admit I wish things were different.
What I like about this outfit are of course the accesories, I'm talking about my handmade belt from Burp and my birdie necklace from Buy Hand . Aren't they cute? Besides the socks and accesories I wear a simple white sweater with nice details on the shoulders, a black pencil skirt with ruffles, black tights, black shoes with low heels. This gray jacket is from when I was 17, that means is 10 years old, but it still looks so darn fine! The floral scarf I bought from Accesorize on sales and it's my favorite scarf.

On another note, I want to start a diet. Anybody from Bucharest who knows a good nutritionist or anybody who knows a great diet (although I prefer to see a doctor before I start a diet)?

Thanks for reading, you guys!

Skirt, shoes, jacket-no name
Otk socks-Golden Point
Necklace-Buy Hand

Fii chic cu un buget redus!


Azi vreau sa va prezint un nou magazin online cu hainute chic si la preturi extrem de accesibile. Este vorba despre Diva Style . Aici veti gasi noua colectie de toamna/iarna 2010 care cuprinde de la rochite casual la rochite pentru ocazii speciale, de la geci la paltoane si trenciuri, cat si sacouri si fuste trendy. De asemenea, pentru ca tinuta sa fie completa aici gasiti si incaltaminte. Preturile variaza de la 59 lei la 360 lei. Diva Style iti arata cum sa fii chic cu un buget redus. Hainutele comandate ajung in circa 10 zile lucratoare, iar plata se face ramburs. In curand, veti gasi si mai multe modele.
Pentru a va convinge de spusele mele vizitati site-ul www.diva-style.ro!

Bad Taste Toast Giveaway


Carina from Bad Taste Toast has some goodies to share with her readers. So guys, go join her giveaway!

Spice it up


The boho-rock combo has always been my thing, I think it shows my girlie side, but at the same time my tough side, which I think is more predominant. This is why I chose to wear this outfit. The mix of floral blouse,  floral bracelets with skeleton, rock bracelets and stockings (that are also sweet and tough: the upper part is with flowers and the rest is with polka dots)..well, this is me. And to spice it up more I wear heels:)

What's your favorite style?

Stockings-Golden Point
Belt/ribbon-from a dress
Floral bracelets-Accesorize
Black bracelets-no name
Shoes-no name

Am ramas doar eu


Am mai ramas doar eu singurel si vreau si eu o casuta. Hai ia-ma la tine! Sunt tare jucaus si haios!
Daca esti din Bucuresti, al tau sunt..sau a ta (nu ii stim sexul)!
Contacteaz-o pe Mona la adresa de e-mail: boheme.fille@yahoo.com

Update: Micutul si-a gasit si el stapan..yupiii! Ii multumesc noului stapan care l-a adoptat. Enjoy Meow!

Meet my rings


This is part two of my accesories collection. You already met my brooches & badges and now is the turn of my rings.  Some of them are handmade, some of them bought from regular stores.
Here they are:

From left to right: 1. Issa   2.Moa  3.Meli Melo
1.Kenvelo  2.Incrafts 
1.MooBijoux   2.Meli Melo  3.Meli Melo
1.Meli Melo  2.Accesorize
1.Alice & Sara   2.from a fair
1.Meli Melo  2,3.from a fair
1,3.gifts  2.Moa 
1.from a fair  2.Meli Melo
Meli Melo

That's it, I hope I took a photo of all of them or maybe some are forgotten in a corner of my accesories box:P
So, which one is your favorite from this list?!

Colour me pretty


Well, guys, I'm a lazy ass and everytime I want to post I find something else to do:P
Another September outfit, it was very hot that day. Although I rarely use orange in my outfits, the coincidence was that in my one of the latest post and this one I'm wearing orange. I think this are the only two times I wore orange this year. I have this shirt for two years and I only wore it once. I really don't know why, because is very pretty. As you have noticed before I really love the belts from BURP , in fact all of their accesories. The pencil skirt I bought recently, it has some really cute ruffles. I love the shoes, because of the beautiful shade of blue and for the big bow on the side.The earrings are one of my favorites, they're from wood and hand painted. I had such a bad hair day and a bad face day:))
Hope you enjoy this look!

Shirt, skirt- no name
Belt- BURP
Shoes- Scarpasa
Earrings- Dragon fly
Purse- Terranova

Clyde's rebirth 100 $ giveaway

Check this great giveaway that Clyde's rebirth  is holding.  A 100 dollars store credit to her shops.

Doi pisoiasi spre adoptie


 This post is only for my romanian readers.

Am gasit abandonati acum 2-3 zile doi pisoiasi superbi, pe care, din pacate nu ii pot pastra. Isi cauta un stapan care sa aiba mare grija de ei si sa ii iubeasca. Preferabil sa ii ia pe amandoi, dar daca doreste doar pe unul dintre ei e ok si asa. Sunt foarte micuti, asa cum puteti sa vedeti si in poze. Eu nu le-am facut nici un vaccin. De asemenea, nu stiu ce sex au:P
Viitorul stapan ar trebui sa fie din Bucuresti, dar daca doreste cineva din alta localitate sa ii ia si poate veni pana in Bucuresti, nu e nici o problema.
Pentru cei interesati ma puteti contacta la adresa de e-mail: boheme.fille@yahoo.com
Sunt foarte jucausi, d-abia am reusit sa ii tin intr-un loc sa le fac poze. Pozele acestea nu le fac dreptate, sunt mult mai scumpi si frumosi.
Va rog sa postati si voi pe blogul vostru, pe facebook, in fine pe orice mijloc de comunicare in masa anuntul aceasta:)

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