Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

July, where are you?!


Last night I found out I'm the lucky winner of Starr's from A Thought Is The Blossom giveaway. I won this amazing dress from Eve Gravel. Eve Gravel is a young designer from Canada who is very creative and her collections are really great! So thank you so much Starr! Can't wait to receive the dress:)

Onto what I'm wearing ..I wore this simple black & white outfit to do a little shopping, then head out to a stand-up comedy show. The belt is from the talented girls from BURP and the Betty Boop bag is hand painted (not by me, coz I have two left hands). I throw on a simple tee and a pencil skirt ( really love it because it has pockets) and that's it ;) The outfit is from last July.
Today was so rainy here and this look really makes me think of summer, oh, sweet summer!:)

T-shirt- Gina Tricot
Belt- BURP
Bag- from a fair
Sandals- no name

Sambata stand-up comedy cu Aristocratii


Aristocratii revin in Bucuresti la Club Prometheus (Piata Natiunile Unite 3-5) incepand cu 2 octombrie.

Stand-up comedy cu Toma, Sergiu si Radu.
In fiecare sambata de la ora 20 si de la ora 23.

Bilet 20 lei.
10 lei pentru studenti. (Pe baza carnetului de student.)

Rezervari la 0723.879.665

Trebuie sa ii vedeti pe baieti, sunt foarte funny!

Meet my brooches & badges


I'm a huge fan of handmade, especially handmade accesories and clothes. I love the originality of the creations, the attention for the details, the dedication with which the crafter makes those works of art, simply AMAZING!
I must admit that I have more accesories then clothes:)

Today you have to meet my brooches & badges collection, not all of them are handmade, but all of them are so pretty. I will mention the creator/store. I'm sorry, but I don't remember from who I bought some of them, especially those bought from faires. Sorry for the rather bad lighting of the photos.

From left to right: 1.MAD, 2.BURP, 3.Qusha, 4.TricksBox, 5.Biba Bijoux, 6.Junkoteque Shop, 7.the little dancers are from a fair

 1.Junkoteque Shop, 2.Ribbonline, 3.Dark chocolate-fairy, 4.BURP, 5.from a fair, 6.BWE

1.from a fair, 2.Ribbonline, 3.Buy Hand, 4.Joliesse Design, 5.from a fair 

1.Melania Lupu, 2.from a fair, 3.Iuia, 4.My mom did this brooch:), 5.Iuia, 6.from a fair

1.from a blouse, 2.Meli Melo, 3.Terranova, 4,5.Meli Melo, 6.Moa

 The lady bird- from my bf, the rest of them from Meli Melo

random stores

Bohemian like me


I'm not used to write things about myself, about my life. I don't know what to tell you, what to talk about. I have so many ideas and when it comes to write them down on the blog I simply forget what I wanted to say:P Don't know why this happens. The fact is that I'm not good with words. I'm a very complicated being, I have some good sides and many bad ones.

 Well, today I want you to meet my sweet, girlie side. Don't get used with it because you won't see it too often.
In this outfit I felt like all the world is pink and happy:), not a fan of pink though, but this dress is so flowy and full of flowers, that I had to buy it!

I will let fashion do the talking for me. Don't you think is a good idea?
What I wear express better who I am and how I feel then words will ever do.

Pink floral dress and light blue wedges- no name
Striped vest and blue belt- Terranova
Rose brooch and bracelet- handmade


Rainy days of summer


Hey guys,

I want to start this post by thanking Angie from http://papillonchouette.wordpress.com/ and Laura from http://tenshistylesarang.blogspot.com/ for their support. They really helped me with this new blog:)

Today I want to show you an outfit I wore in June, it was a rainy day of summer. I won't be posting too many old outfits, because when it will be winter I will have on the blog summer looks:D
Here, in Romania, people usually stare at you if you wear tights with sandals or socks with shoes, but I really like doing that and I don't give attention to all the uninspired comments I receive! Tell me what you think about this trend! I'm curious to know your opinions!
So that day I was wearing tights with sandals..so what?! The shorts I have from 4 years now, I chose to belt them with my mom's old scarf, I think it looks really nice. Also wearing this onesie (it has swallows on it) I reedemed from a great fashion site: Chictopia with one flowy, oversized cardigan. As accesories a vintage-like necklace with a lil' mirror and a cameo ring with doves.

Cardigan- Etic
Onesie- Zara
Purse- Terranova
Shorts- Kenvelo
Scarf- my mom's
Tights, necklace, wedges- no name
Ring- Accesorize

Sunny day


 A sunny day of March and some yummy green cotton candy..imagine the calories, not to talk about how unhealthy it is! But yummy beats that for now!:))
I was wearing a safari printed tee with my navy cardigan that I lost on my way to a college exam..that sucked! Just belted the whole thing and that's it:D On the bottom part: my black shorts with suspenders, gray-blue tights and brown boots.

Nothing fancy, just something casual to wear for a walk in the park.
Cardigan, tights-no name
Tee, shorts, belt, earrings- Terranova
Boots- Leonardo
Purse- Moa

Back in time


 Hey there,

I wanted my first outfit post to be one that I really loved and that brought me great memories. I will post some old outfits and then update with the new ones.

This is my grandmother’s dress…she used to wear it back in the 60’s. I just love this dress. I also wear dark blue tights and a handmade brooch: a car that was popular in Romania in those years and later on. TRABANT:D with blue roses earrings.

Hope you’ ll like it!

I'm joining the world of blogging:)


 Well, I'm trying to do this step for a while now, but I always thought blogging is not for me. But you never know if you're capable to do something before you try it.
This suppose to be a blog about my take on fashion, my day to day style. So welcome to my world! You will know me better with every post.

Wish me luck!
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