Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Bohemian like me


I'm not used to write things about myself, about my life. I don't know what to tell you, what to talk about. I have so many ideas and when it comes to write them down on the blog I simply forget what I wanted to say:P Don't know why this happens. The fact is that I'm not good with words. I'm a very complicated being, I have some good sides and many bad ones.

 Well, today I want you to meet my sweet, girlie side. Don't get used with it because you won't see it too often.
In this outfit I felt like all the world is pink and happy:), not a fan of pink though, but this dress is so flowy and full of flowers, that I had to buy it!

I will let fashion do the talking for me. Don't you think is a good idea?
What I wear express better who I am and how I feel then words will ever do.

Pink floral dress and light blue wedges- no name
Striped vest and blue belt- Terranova
Rose brooch and bracelet- handmade



  1. gorgeous pictures and outfit!! love it :)

  2. little cute chic girl :*
    that's also happening to me.. hahah. I always forget what I want to write on the blog...

  3. absolutely adore this! and I totally agree about writing. Sometimes I could write a freakin book about my life and other times I'm speechless! Lol. you look absolutely amazing darling, :D


  4. uuu, that's one cute dress! love your girlie side;;)

  5. Hi, I just found your cute blog. Also cute outfits, keep up the great job!

  6. Girls, thanks so much. Your comments really encourage me to keep on posting on this blog:)

  7. great blog! it`s always exciting to start new things!! Love the outfit it`s somantic and definitely chic!! am following you now:)

    you can become my follower too if you want:)

  8. just gorgeous....rochita e foarte frumoasa...te prinde extrem de bine look-ul asta "girlie like"...


Say it like you mean it! :)

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