Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label bohemian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bohemian. Show all posts

Bohemian like me


EN: Ohh, what a lovely weather and I'm stuck inside. I need to go out asap! But before doing that I will make this post. This was my outfit for a day that felt more like summer than autumn. That day inspired me to wear a bohemian inspired look: flowers, headband and a good mood. Love my handmade top courtesy of Ebony Vintage, is so delicate and feminine! The best choice for a warm day.
Now let's go out!

RO: Mamă, mamă, ce vreme mișto...iar eu stau în casă. Neapărat trebuie să ies la o plimbare! Înainte să fac asta mă gândesc că ar trebui să termin postarea dacă tot am început-o. :D 
Am purtat ținuta asta zilele trecute, într-o zi ce semăna mai mult a vară decât a toamnă. Asta m-a și inspirat să port o ținută cu un aer boem: flori, o bențiță și o stare de bine. Îmi place super mult acest top handmade de la Ebony Vintage, e atât de feminin și delicat! Cea mai bună alegere pentru o zi călduroasă.
Acum hai afară oameni buni, să ne bucurăm de vremea asta!

Top/Bluză - Ebony Vintage
Blazer/Sacou - ZLZ
Pants/Pantaloni - Mary Jane Fashion
Shoes/Pantofi - Chicnova
Headband/Bentiță - Accessorize

Karate Kid! :))

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Bohemian like me


I'm not used to write things about myself, about my life. I don't know what to tell you, what to talk about. I have so many ideas and when it comes to write them down on the blog I simply forget what I wanted to say:P Don't know why this happens. The fact is that I'm not good with words. I'm a very complicated being, I have some good sides and many bad ones.

 Well, today I want you to meet my sweet, girlie side. Don't get used with it because you won't see it too often.
In this outfit I felt like all the world is pink and happy:), not a fan of pink though, but this dress is so flowy and full of flowers, that I had to buy it!

I will let fashion do the talking for me. Don't you think is a good idea?
What I wear express better who I am and how I feel then words will ever do.

Pink floral dress and light blue wedges- no name
Striped vest and blue belt- Terranova
Rose brooch and bracelet- handmade


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