Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

The perfect denim jacket for winter


EN: I had some uninteresting days lately. I try to motivate myself to exercise, to not eat sweets, but I just don't have the will anymore. After dieting and losing 20 kilos (44.09 lbs) I just got lazy and began a chaotic lifestyle. I need to stop that because I gained 7 kilos. I wanted to lose 25-26 kilos and just had 5-6 kilos more to lose, now I have 13 more. Arghh, I'm a lazy ass! Some tips, advices from you are really welcome!
Now onto the outfit. This denim jacket is a keeper! Is oversized, is fluffy and it keeps you warm. I've pair it with my trusty tartan pants for a more casual feel.
The photos didn't turn out so well, sorry about that.

RO: Am avut câteva zile foarte neinteresante. Încerc să mă motivez să fac sport, să nu mai mănânc dulciuri, dar nu mai am voință deloc în ultima vreme. După dieta și după ce am slăbit 20 de kilograme, am devenit leneșă și am început un stil de viață haotic care trebuie să înceteze. Deja am mai pus 7 kilograme. Voiam să slăbesc 25-26 de kilograme și eram aproape să îmi îndeplinesc ținta, doar 5-6 kg trebuiau să mai dispară, dar acum trebuie să dispară 13. Ahh, sunt o leneșă incurabilă! Orice sfat, pont e mai mult decât binevenit!
Acum despre ținută. Jacheta asta din denim e genială! E supradimensionată, e pufoasă și ține și de cald! Am combinat-o cu pantalonii mei model tartan pentru un aer casual.
Pozele nu au ieșit prea grozav, scuze.

Jacket/Jachetă - Here
Pants/Pantaloni - Bershka via Kurtmann.ro
Sweater/Pulover - Terranova
Earrings/Cercei - Mini Prix
Bag, boots/Geantă, botine - random store

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  1. pe mine ma motiveaza corpul modelelor :)). In plus incearca sa faci o zi sport,vei vedea cum te vei simti multumita si mandra de tine ca a doua zi iti va veni automat sa mergi la sala ;). Draguti pantalonii ;)



  2. that jacket is sooo amazing! your make up is flawless!!! gorgeous as always! ;) x

  3. That jacket is definitely perfect! looks so comfy!!! And love the fur on it :D


  4. Pe mine ma motiveaza faptul ca printr-o dieta sanatoasa voi avea un aspect intinerit, mai frumos si voi inbatrani mai incet :)

  5. Oh very beautiful oufit, great jacket°


  6. Foarte draguta:)
    Kiss Oana


  7. Te felicit pentru greutatea pe care ai reusit sa o dai jos! Mi-ar placea sa iti pot da vreun sfat, dar si eu stau prost la capitolul asta, de prin Decembrie am prins un drag de dulciuri de n-ai mai vazut asa ceva :)) Imi place jacheta de mor, pare tare calduroasa si arata tare bine cu blanita aia la gat :X :*

  8. Aw don't be so hard on yourself! Losing weight and maintaining it is literally soooo tough, but girl you are so strong and beautiful no matter what! Look at how far you've come so far, isn't that incredible!? You are seriously so inspiring! I have to lose another 50lbs (no idea what that is in kilos) but it is extremely frustrating and intimidating to think about. i'd love YOUR tips on how you lost yours! you look amazing doll. keep up the great work, you can do it!!!!!! Love you!!!!!!!!

  9. Daca ai reusit sa dai jos 20 kg esti o ambitioasa; probabil ceva anume te-a facut sa renunti momentan; fa miscare, ia-o treptat, o sa te simti bine si o sa vezi ca n-o sa te mai intorci din drum. Succes!

  10. M-ai facut sa imi doresc si eu o jacheta din denim, oversized! Si imi place si cum arata cu pantalonii tartan!


  11. You look so pretty and great outfit!! Love your earrings and jacket!! <3

    Well I was wondering if we could follow each other via bloglovin, gfc, facebook, twitter and g+? Do visit my blog and let me know!! :)


  12. Aaaw the jacket looks sooo cozy! Love the colours of the pants and matching bag too!
    I know what you mean! I've lost 15 kilos and since I'm in a new relationship I've already gained 3 again and I'm trying to find my motivation again. It's so hard.
    What always helped me was Weight Watchers online.

  13. imi place mult geaca,are o alura vintage si pare tare calduroasa !!!


  14. Don't worry about your weight, you are beautiful as you are. Weight goes up and down throughout your life, embrace it. Your curves are amazing. Eat fresh food, as alive as possible. That's all you need to worry about. x jazzy at hivenn.co.uk

  15. Very nice outfit!

  16. you look fantastic, don`t worry about the weight you`re in a great shape to me!

  17. Very cool jacket! I really love the faux fur attached <3

  18. So good of you to loose so much weight! Don't make it too hard. Eat some candy once in a while. That way it's less attractive. I hope you can do it!
    Love ht coat btw!


  19. Tartan trousers, how fun! :)



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