Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Casual from head to toes


EN: Yesterday it was all about comfort. I had to run some errands and I wore some sporty (yet chic if I may say so) looks, different from what I usually wear and what you're used to see me wearing. In the morning (hence the tired face):  a top with a cute detail, some shorts and a bowtie (find it here) to spice the outfit a little. More details and photos with the bow tie in an upcoming post. In the afternoon: kept the shorts and bag and changed the top and sandals.

RO: Ieri m-am axat pe confort. Am avut de rezolvat niște treburi și am purtat ținute mai sport (să zic așa), diferite de ce port de obicei și de ce sunteți voi obișnuiți să vedeți pe acest blog.
Dimineața (de aici și fața adormită): un maiou cu un detaliu interesant, o pereche de pantaloni scurți și un papion (îl găsiți aici) pentru a adăuga un pic de sare și piper ținutei. Mai multe poze și detalii despre papion într-o postare viitoare. După-masa: am păstrat pantalonii scurți și sacoșa și am schimbat sandalele, iar în loc de maiou, o jachetă.

Top/Maiou - Atmosphere
Shorts/Pantaloni scurți - Kenvelo
Bowtie/ Papion - Laboratorul de Papioane
White sandals/Sandale albe - Oasap
Baseball jacket/Jachetă - Chicnova
Cream sandals/Sandale crem - Bb Up

And the goodies bought and received yesterday:
shoes - 3,50 euros (15 lei)
cat dress - 2 euros (10 lei)
It seems it was a productive day. :)

Minunății primite sau cumpărate ieri:
pantofi - 15 lei
rochie cu pisici - 10 lei
rochie cu flori, jachetă și cercei - Chicnova
Se pare că a fost o zi productivă. :)

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  1. ce-mi plac cerceiiiiiiiiii!!!
    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  2. the bow made the outfit absolutely sophisticated. And I love your top in the second outfit ♥


  3. o tinuta lejera si de efect, imi place mult gecuta cu print floral si cercelusii :*

  4. vaai, pantofii sunt superbi! tot de pe chicnova?

    1. Nu, de la un magazin oarecare din Pantelimon.

  5. lovee the bow! gorgeous outfits!

  6. Foarte tare papionul, imi plac toate detaliile tinutei <3

  7. This is indeed very different than what we usually see you wear, but you know what? I love it!! Your bowtie is beyoooooond cute, I love it! Great casual looks!


  8. Hi dear :) The photos you choose for your last post are so amazing!!
    Need to say that your blog is a good inspiration :)
    Come to see my new post, ill delighted to know your opinion :)

  9. Both looks are chic indeed, happy you to wear this summer clothes now!:)

  10. Oh so cute! I adore that top on you, lovely lady. Also, how is your hair always so flawless? I swear you just don't ever have a bad hair day. :)

    Those earrings you purchased are amazing--I saw a similar pair online that I've been coveting. They're so shiny and unique~!

  11. Love the cut in the back of the shirt, in the first look!!!!! Nice :)


  12. aw. casual outfits are just the best <3


  13. foarte frumoasa tinuta !!! papionul este demential !!

  14. Cerceii si jacheta cu flori - SUPERBE!


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