Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Wear your mood!


EN: Hey, guys! Yesterday I went with Anca from Fancy at the Romanian Design Week expo. Did you visited? What did you think of it?
For the day I decided to wear a relaxed outfit with retro touches. I really feel that a scarf worn as a headband would have been perfect for it, but unfortunately I didn't wore one. :)
How about the tattoo? You saw it? Is a temporary one from Gumtoo. I really like it, goes great with the outfit and with my general mood. Gumtoo is a designer temporary tattoo company based out of Singapore. Their designers are a talented bunch from around the world – from UK to Hong Kong, from Singapore to Russia. They turn the most intrinsic vibes into wearable moods.  Their products are Made in the USA with FDA approved ingredients. 
I think is fun to wear temporary tattoos, you can change them according to your mood that day, to the occasion. Is simple and fashionable! They don't cost much and last for a few days. 
Stay tuned because I plan another outfit with another temporary tattoo.

RO: Salutare! Ieri am vizitat alături de Anca de la Fancy expoziția Romanian Design Week. Voi ați fost? Cum vi s-a părut?
Am decis să port o ținută lejeră cu tente retro. Știu că ar fi mers de minune o eșarfă pe post de bentiță, însă, ei bine, nu am purtat una. :)
De tatuaj ce ziceți? L-ați văzut? E unul temporar de la Gumtoo. Îmi place tare mult, mi se pare că se potrivește foarte bine cu ținuta și starea mea, în general. Gumtoo este o companie din Singapore de tatuaje temporare create de designeri. Aceștia sunt oameni talentați din întreaga lume - de la Marea Britanie la Hong Kong, de la Singapore la Rusia. Ei transformă vibrațiile cele mai intriseci în stări de spirit purtabile. Produsele sunt fabricate în Statele Unite cu ingrediente aprobate de FDA. 
Cred că e distractiv să porți tatuaje temporare, poți să le schimbi în funcție de starea ta din acea zi, în funcție de ocazie. E simplu și e la modă!  Tatuajele nu costă mult și rezistă câteva zile.
Să stați pe aproape pentru că va urma altă ținută cu un tatuaj temporar.

Shirt, bag/Cămașă, geantă - Mini Prix
Bowtie/Papion - Laboratorul de Papioane
Temporary tattoo/Tatuaj temporar - Gumtoo
Sandals/Sandale - Modcloth
Jeans/Blugi - random store
Bracelets/Brățări - Meli Melo, random store

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.


  1. So retro indeed! cute!


  2. I'm so in love with your funny papillon!!!

  3. Ce-mi place cum iti sta cu parul drept

  4. Imi place mult tinuta. Foarte frumoase sandalutele. Te pup!

  5. Ah man, temporary tattoos for the win! I love yours, hehe. :) And I even more love that bowtie--how cute is it? And you can actually read it, too! You have the most darling little accessories. Hope you had a good time at the expo!

  6. Ce bine iti sta in blugii aia! Ce superbe sunt sandalele, le ador! <3


    The Lovely Darlings

  7. Marvelous, love the whole outfit girl !! That tattoo is fun :)

    ❤ StylishByNature.com

  8. I love retrò!


  9. So amazing! I love your bow too!

  10. Thanks for your comment! I love your tattoo and you have gorgeous style! Followed you on GFC, Bloglovin and liked your facebook page. Would you like to follow back? :)

    xx Oksana

  11. Beautiful casual look! I love those floral heels! I adore that bow tie! It's so freakin' rad! I've seen some similar ones on Etsy. I'm going to save up my pennies and treat myself to a few on my birthday next month. :DDD <3

    Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog, by the way. You're welcome back any time!

    - Anna


  12. Stunning style, very beautiful pictures!!

  13. Those shoes are so cute!! Love the bow tie.


  14. Yes, you are so retro!!!

    Great post


  15. I love this outfit so much! The tattoo is adorable!


  16. Ce sandale frumoase!! Imi par de asemenea si comode datorita platformei. Am dreptate, nu?

    O zi frumoasa iti doresc!

  17. Love this outfit! The heels are super cute! Loved your blog and will come back for sure!

    Oh, I just started following you by the way! Hope you come by my blog! Would love to know what you think about it, and maybe follow me back if you like it?

    These are my links hun <3:
    Instant Milk link
    Facebook page link
    Bloglovin link


  18. I just found your blog and it is lovely <3
    Please check out mine, I would love to hear what you think about it!

  19. Sandalutele si papionul sunt dementiale. Iar tinuta pare foarte confortabila. Pupici.

  20. Hey... esti minunata!
    Radiezi toata.
    Imi plac sandalele si tatuajul la nebunie.

  21. looking fab, totally in love ywit yout shoes! xx
    Alice Barton ♥ TheMowWay


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