Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Meet my earrings 1


I've already shown you my brooches, my rings, my headbands and my necklaces, now it's the earrings turn. Lots of earrings and trust me when I say " lots" I really mean it, for some of you more than you imagine. From soft, delicate ones to rocker chic ones, from handmade ones to regular ones. Just wait and see!:)
Here it is the first part!

1. Gentlemen-Buy Hand, 2. Flamingos-Moa, 3.Tea cups-Meli Melo,
 4. Music- Darkchocolate-fairy, 5. Ice-creams-Chez Serebe

1. Vintage lady-Margica vesela, 2. Dragonflies-Moa, 3. Porn Sheep-BURP, 4. Little Birdies-Darkchocolate-fairy  

1. Funny faces-from a fair, 2. Roses-Ribbon line, 3. Tulle-Incrafts, 4. Skeleton-from a fair

That's it..for now!
What's your favorite pair?

La Bohème meets Dixi!- new items preview


Today let's meet the Dixi Shop, one of my favorite online stores. Vintage and modern items combine perfectly in this store and it's one of the reason I love it.
The lovely girls from Dixi gave me a preview of the new items that will hit the store tomorrow around 10 a.m.(UK time).

 What do you think, aren't they great? These and a lot more you will see tomorrow in the store!

And now the surprise: they are offering my readers a 10% discount of any order £15 or over at www.shopdixi.com. You just have to use this code: BOHEMEMEETSDIXI.

Zaysha face?


Hello, pretties!

It's me again! This time asking you a favor, the first one if I remember right:)
Well the thing is that I've entered in this contest on facebook to be the face of the new collection of accessories Zaysha (it's a romanian brand) and I need your help. I need you to "like" my photo there. But before that you have to "like" the Zaysha page and after doing that "like" my photo. Simple as saying "I win"-hahaha! Ok now I see that you can't "like" it if you follow the link, so if it won't be too much trouble you can look for this photo on their page:

I would really appreciate it! Thank you!

Clogs here, clogs there, clogs everywhere


Finally some hot weather, but still rainy..it’s ok like that though because without the rain it will be too hot. And for the first time this year my legs see the sun, feels so good to wear nothing but your skin:P..and also for the first time I'm wearing these great floral clogs from Blowfish Shoes. Have I told you I love them, have I, have I?:)

This is something I wore on Sunday when me and the bf went out. Everyone was staring at my clogs. I also love this tee, it looks like I’m wearing a dress because of the print and the back of it it’s really cute..and can you believe this skirt has more then 7 years and it is still in good shape and up to date!

Hope you like it!


Belt-no name



And the award goes to...


I'm very honored that Laura and Madalina gave me this Stylish Blogger Award. It's always a joy to find out that my style is appreciated by others. Thank you so much, lovelies!

..so now I will give this award to 10 blogs that I love:

Some new stuff


Meet Georgia! Georgia is a pair of clogs that I've redeemed via Chictopia from Blowfish Shoes. It's so good to have things for free!:) Loving these babies!

Also meet my vintage dress

..and the handmade skirt made by Nora(soon in an outfit post)

 ...my Meli Melo rings and the Forever Young earrings

Well these are some of my rather recent purchases. Hope you like them!

I wanted to remind you that you can follow me on facebook, I'm one "like" away from 300 fans! Thank you, guys!
..and on Twitter too!

Living in a Shoe giveaway


The lovely mother to be, Laura from Living in a Shoe, is holding a giveaway on her blog. Feel free to enter because you can win this great clutch and a Dior lip gloss.
Just click on the photo to go to the giveaway page.

Also don't forget I'm selling these shoes.

Shoes again


Selling shoes again, this time a pair of flats that I never wore, but they are available only for my romanian readers.

Da, vand pantofi din nou, de data aceasta o pereche de balerini, ce nu au fost purtati niciodata!

Marime: 36, culoare: gri, conditie:noi
Pret: 30 RON

Inca mai sunt valabile si celelalte doua perechi de pantofi:
  Marimea 36, culoarea este exact cea din poze: un gri mai inchis, conditie:noi
Pret: 60 ron
Pentru mai multe poze accesati acest link.

 Marimea 35, dar se potrivesc unui 36, culoarea este un maro inchis spre grena, conditie: noi
                                       Pentru mai multe poze accesati acest link .

Daca sunteti interesate, imi puteti trimite un mail la adresa boheme.fille@yahoo.com

Back in business!


I'm back in business and the business like me in there:))! Maybe you wonder where I was these past two weeks or maybe you don't, but I will tell you anyway!:P Well, my computer died and it was so hard to resuscitate it, like a victim that doesn't want to live. Now it's alive though, but something is missing: all of my documents, all of my photos, in a word: EVERYTHING! You can imagine this brings so much joy in my life:(..or NOT! So for ten days I didn't had a computer, but I had some crappy rainy days (two weeks to be more exact), then when the computer was ok I didn't had a blogger to post anything.
But I did enjoyed some of the computer-free days. I went on a little vacation with the family and bf for three days. Some relaxation, landscapes and a great house. And since I don't have any outfits photos I will show you some photos from the vacation.

Horsie playing in the grass:

Lying in the sun on the lounge chair

Jumping! ( Jumping photos are a real trend now and I don't like following trends, but I do like to jump!:))
P.S: This is the only time you will see me in a sport ensemble:P

Views from the balcony

The house dog, Bobita

The bf and the dog

The house cat, Fritz

The rainbow

Views from the rooms

That's it!:)
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