Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

A new popular sport is in town: bubble football


Games, sports. It doesn't matter if we are kids or grown-ups, we love to play. A game is relaxing, fun, it makes our body and brain work, sometimes one of them, many times both. :) When we engage in an activity we instantly feel better. When we get involved in something we feel useful, accomplished and happy. Being a part of a community is rewarding. That is why we like being around people, that is why games are always fun, because we interact with one another. We might like competing or just being a part of the game, it doesn't matter, is stimulating either way.  Sports and games are a meaning of recreation. 

The games that will make your summer amazing

The bad weather has installed in Romania, autumn is here, guys! But I'm sure many of my readers live in warm climates and the sun is constant all year long or at least longer than in my country. We all love summer, summer means joy, excitement and gives us the opportunity to play all sorts of outdoor games. There is nothing more entertaining than to engage in games with your friends and family, is stimulating, gets you closer to one another and brings out the fun and sometimes funny side of you. They are good for your health also and can help with the physical condition too. That is why I thought that I should give you some suggestions on how to make your summer the best one yet. Is available for all of you Romanian readers too although the summer ended here, you can always look forward for next summer if you have your hands on one or many of these products. By the way, some of them are good to use even in colder seasons. Isn't that great? 

The summer of festivals: my outfits


EN: As a teenager I used to like to listen to music. I discovered MTV, the old one, the one that used to have great music and I was impressed. After a while I stoped listening to music, for years I was just listening a song now and then. Everybody thought I was a freak. "How is possible that you don't listen to music?" was a question that I was frequently asked. At one point I had to start listening again, my boyfriend could not function without music, but I was listening only when he was with me, in my moments of solitude was a monumental silence which I adored. Last year, after a defining experience, me and music started to became good friends. So good that this year I attended more concerts than I did in my entire life: Maroon 5, Hollywood Vampires, Rock the City (Muse, Iron Maiden), Creative Fest, Untold Festival, Sunset Festival..and the year is not over yet.
Let me show you a few photos from those events, to be more precise, some of my outfits from those concerts. I haven't done many, I was busy enjoying the music.

I lived many great experiences, I've met cool people, I've tried new things, it was a hell of a summer.

Cucerită de Fares: vizita la fabrica din Orăștie


Substantivul "Fares" îl asociez imediat cu ceaiul din petale de trandafiri, cu siguranță preferatul meu. La un ceai cu Fares am stat de nenumărate ori, dar să am ocazia de a vedea etapele realizării ceaiurilor și a altor minunății nu am reușit până când nu am primit invitația de a vizita fabrica la începutul acestei veri. După un drum relativ lung am ajuns în inima Daciei, la Orăștie, acolo unde farmacistul Andrei Farago a pus bazele cooperativei Digitalis - Prima Cooperativă Română pentru Cultivarea Plantelor Medicinale în 1929. Astăzi peste 200 de hectare de plante sunt cultivate în jurul Orăștiei, pe terenuri ferite de poluare: de la mușețel, mentă, gălbenele, salvie sau lavandă până la specii ce au fost aduse în cultură din floră spontană: scai vânăt, sunătoare, măceș, tei, soc, plătagină, în total peste 20 de specii. De asemenea au fost inițiate și culturi ecologice. Interesting fact: imaginile care apar pe cutiile de ceaiuri de plante la pliculeț sunt chiar fotografii ale câmpurilor cultivate de Fares cu acele plante. 
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