It was a lovely summer for me, full of colorful outfits. So why not remember it by making a post with my summer looks?! In this first part I've included May and June (yes, I know, May isn't a summer month, but it was so hot here in Romania then that it definitely felt like summer). Enjoy them and tell me your favorite!
Have a great week, guys!
RO: Salutare! Am avut o vară plăcută, plină de ținute colorate. Așa că de ce să nu mi-o amintesc făcând o postare cu look-urile mele de vară. În această primă parte am inclus lunile mai și iunie (da, știu, mai nu este o lună de vară, dar a fost atât de cald încât a părut a fi una).
Să-mi spuneți care este preferata voastră!
Find the looks here: My Super Outfit(s).
Find them here: Wear your mood! and Evenimentul Cora.
Find them here: Bow ties and traditions and My week.
Find them here: Combo of the day: floral and leather and Skulls & Indians.
Find them here: Casual from head to toes.
Find them here: Don't be afraid to rock the colors! and The inner child.
Find them here: Hippie and chic summer.
Find them here: That Latino feeling and In pink we trust!.
Find them here: Red On! and Going classy.
Find them here: The fancy looks and Fancy combo.
Find them here: Blue dream and The lady in green.
Find them here: Fun at the make-up session! and The fancy looks.
Stay tuned for the second part! :)
Stați pe aproape și pentru partea a doua! :)
And now let me tell you about some great sales.
Yeah, I'm sure you love make-up! So you better fetch these hotties at their cheapest time >
Only 72 hours!!
Only 72 hours!!