Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Castigator concurs "Alege sa porti rochie!"


Asadar si asa deci...cine a castigat?! M-am gandit ca nu sunteti prea curioase si sa mai aman extragerea castigatorului pana maine! Ce ziceti?:) Mda, glumeam!! Stiu, stiu, excelenta gluma!:))

Castigatorul deja a fost ales cu ajutorul lui random.org si este........
                                                Nr.ul 28, anna

Felicitari! O sa primesti un e-mail imediat si te rog sa imi raspunzi chiar astazi pentru ca este ultima comanda in acest an pe site-ul www.diva-style.ro. Va multumesc tuturor ca ati participat si o sa mai urmeze si alte concursuri si sunt sigura ca va veni si randul vostru sa castigati un premiu. Pana atunci astazi o sa va "delectez" cu o noua postare a unei tinute purtate acum ceva vreme. Nu plecati nicaieri!

Lista participantilor la concursul " Alege sa porti rochie!"


Concursul " Alege sa porti rochie!' s-a incheiat. Eu si Diva Style va multumim ca ati participat! Eu va mai multumesc si pentru cuvintele dragute pe care le-ati spus despre blogul meu:) You, girls, rock!:)
Mai jos aveti lista tuturor participantilor, ca de obicei exista si o lista, de data aceasta scurta, a celor care nu au indeplinit toti pasii si prin urmare nu i-am putut inscrie in concurs. Daca pana maine dimineata cand voi extrage castigatorul vor respecta cerintele ii voi include in lista. Cei care se afla in lista de doua ori au postat pe blogul lor despre concurs. De asemenea, vreau sa va amintesc voua, cat si castigatoarei, ca maine e ultima comanda pe acest an pe www.diva-style.ro, asa ca grabiti-va daca doriti vreun produs pentru Sarbatori.

Iata si listele:


1. Anca
2. maddailade
3. handmade.mititel
4. extramicuta
5. Laura Tenshi
6. Cyanilla Latte
7. Coffee and Clothes
8. Coffee and Clothes
9. The New Wardrobe
10. dedeea
11. dedeea
12. A.M.
13. Andreea’s blog
14. Mad Hatter
15. Cassie’s Shop
16. Cassie’s Shop
17. Extravagance Shop
18. Tessa
19. analuizacristea
20. Admin
21. Simona
22. Andreea >3
23. Ral
24. nico
25. Cristinutza
26. Andreea
27. anna
28. anna
29. ana
30. carlita
31. carlita
32. Alexandra Clepsa
33. Bianca
34. Bianca
35. ank_eliza_01
36. chicandchip
37. chicandchip
38. Jules
39. Jules
40. Mona Luiza
41. strumfita cu esarfa
42. ada90
43. BohemianSin
44. andreeabacau
45. andreeabacau
46. kittenhood
47. Racoti Bianca
48. Racoti Bianca
49. georgianatiganasu
50. Alexxa
51. ib
52. Claudia
53. Pixie
54. larisa.ella
55. miha.ela
56. miha.ela
57. Chisi’s Corner
58. Schoolgirl
59. issa
60. miry_blue18
61. Paula
62. Paula
63. cazacu
64. happy.ending93
65. Marin Loredana
66. Marin Loredana
67. Cris
68. jo_jox
69. Alexandra.
70. mariaaa
71. berzantu alina
72. Eu BlAcK tU wHiTe
73. Eu BlAcK tU wHiTe
74. Tony
75. Tony
76. Andrei
77. Elena
78. TheMuffinGirl
79. TheMuffinGirl
80. vios77ro
81. queensoft
82. ritza
83. oana

elena banu

Mult succes, fetelor!

Happy birthday, Angie!


This is for you, Angie, my lovely stylish gal! Thank you for always supporting me and being such an wonderful friend! You are the proof that online friendship does exist. Glad that chictopia brought us together. You really are a treasure for that community, your involvement is deeply appreciated, you are always helpful and kind to everybody and you do have an amazing style. Such an inspiration!

May all your wishes come true, may you never have a sad day in your life and always be surrounded with friends and  family and with the most adorable dog in the world, Jolie!

Thank you for the honor of being your friend! Happy, happy birthday!

And you, guys, definitely have to check Angie's blog: Papillon Chouette !
I took the liberty to post some of her outfits for you to see her eclectic great style ;)

Alege sa porti rochie! - Concurs


This post is only for my romanian readers.

V-am zis ca va asteapta un nou concurs, nu? Ei bine, ma tin de promisiune si il incep chiar azi.
Diva Style va ofera inca o sansa sa castigati o rochie, de data aceasta va puteti alege orice rochie doriti de pe site. Regulile sunt aceleasi, cu o mica diferenta: va trebui sa imi spuneti ce rochie va veti alege daca veti castiga.

Acestia sunt pasii ce trebuie urmati:

1. Trebuie sa dati follow blogului meu prin Google Friend Connect si sa imi spuneti cu ce nume ma urmariti.
2. Trebuie sa intrati pe www.diva-style.ro si sa imi spuneti ce rochie va veti alege daca veti castiga.
3. Trebuie sa adaugati Diva Style ca prieten pe facebook. Pentru aceasta dati click aici
4. Lasati un comentariu la aceasta postare in care sa ma anuntati ca ati respectat toti pasii, acestia fiind obligatorii plus o adresa de e-mail la care sa va contactez in cazul in care veti castiga. Nerespectarea tuturor pasilor va duce la descalificare. Un singur comentariu acceptat per utilizator.
5. Cine va posta despre acest concurs pe blogul personal si imi va lasa link-ul in comentariu va fi inscris de doua ori la extragerea finala.

Comentariile sunt moderate si vor aparea pe blog doar dupa ce le voi aproba.

Concursul este deschis doar pentru persoanele din Romania si se desfasoara in perioada 22.11.2010-29.11.2010, ora 22:00.
Castigatorul va fi desemnat cu ajutorul random.org in data 30.11.2010. 


Castigator concurs Diva Style si La Bohème


Sa bata tobele!! Ta-dam-dam..ta-dam..ta-dam..( habar nu am cum sa scriu in cuvinte cum bat tobele, dar nah, intelegeti voi:)):))  Iar castigatoare prin knock-out..de fapt prin intermediul lui nenea random.org este:

                                             Nr-ul 21, miha.ela!!!!

Felicitari miha.ela!! Vei fi contactata in cursul zilei de azi pentru toate detaliile.
Daca in decurs de 7 zile de la anuntarea castigatoarei, nu voi primi nici un raspuns de la ea, se va face o noua extragere
Iar pe voi fetelor va astepta un alt concurs cat de curand, cu un premiu si mai grozav! So..stay tuned!

Lista participantilor la concurs


Concursul "Castiga o rochie chic cu Diva Style si La Bohème" s-a terminat. Desi eu cred ca regulile au fost foarte simple, multe dintre voi nu le-au respectat. Eu le-am trimis un mesaj personal tuturor celor care n-au respectat toti pasii, pentru a le atentiona ca nu vor fi inscrise in concurs. Unele dintre ele mi-au raspuns si au reusit sa se inscrie, altele nu. Asa ca voi avea doua liste: una cu participantele, alta cu cele care nu au fost acceptate in concurs. Daca vedeti un nume de doua ori in lista participantilor, asta inseamna ca acea persoana a postat pe blogul personal despre concurs, asadar are doua sanse la extragerea finala. Voi anunta acum participantii, iar mai pe seara sau cel tarziu maine dimineata voi anunta castigatorul. Din partea mea nu ar fi nici o problema sa il anunt acum, dar ma gandesc ca poate voi mai primi raspunsuri la mesaje sau vor mai exista nemultumiri, asa ca vreau sa le clarific inainte de a anunta castigatorul.

LISTA PARTICIPANTILOR:                                                  

1. Laura Tenshi
2. The Hearabouts                                                                     
3. Alexandra Clepsa                                                                  
4. Heels Lover                                                                           
5. Maria Tomoioaga
6. Irina
7. Alina Sidorencu                                                                     
8. The New Wardrobe                                                              
9. handmade.mititel                                                                    
10. Rinalda Faraian                                                                   
11. Iulia Romana
12. Iulia Romana
13. Andreea’s blog
14. Mirela Petre
15. Jules
16. Jules
17. maddailade
18. Anca
19. Alexxa
20. miha.ela
21. miha.ela
22. extramicuta
23. Ana Luiza
24. YellowJade
25. Mirela Niculai
26. supergirl
27. Cyanilla Latte
28. ruxy
29. Alexandra
30. Luiza
31. Andreea
32. Andreea
33. nico
34. Marin Loredana
35. A.M.
36. Pisi
37. andreeabacau
38. andreeabacau
39. Onitzza
40. Camelia
41. Diana Maria Spranceana
42. emily
43. TheMuffinGirl
44. Oana
45. Mocan Alexandra
46. Ioana
47. clubbing_for3v3r
48. Andreea
49. kory_nails
50. kory_nails
51. dedeea
52. dedeea
53. Anna
54. Ruxi
55. esiak
56. gabbis
57. Alma
58. Alice in Vintageland
59. anna
60. cris8809
61. sandra
62. ciufyx_crazy_lollipop
63. blogulalexei
64. blogulalexei
65. Cecille
66. pisi
67. Claudia
68. Coffee and Clothes
69. ella_mina
70. News
71. News
72. ccrissy
73. Alexandra.


1. mihaela
2. carbaro88
3. pop aurelia
4. luiza meri
5. Alina (mi-a spus si numele cu care ma urmareste, dar eu nu o gasesc in lista, se poate sa fie o eroare, asa ca o rog sa imi raspunda la mesaj).
6. mateiiuliana
7. manea_adina2009

Meet my headbands


For my romanian readers: Nu uitati ca astazi este ultima zi in care va mai puteti inscrie la concurs. Premiul este o rochie oferita de Diva Style. Gasiti concursul aici!

Now let's talk about my headband collection. This is the smallest collection of accessories that I have. I've just started buying headbands, in fact I used to buy a couple of years ago, but never wore them..so the older ones I didn't photographed because I just don't like them anymore:)  Unlike my other accessories,  the majority of my headbands aren't handmade (but I'm working on that). Most of them I bought from Accesorize and Meli Melo.
Just three of them are handmade: the one with spikes from Dulapul Bunicii , the one with purple and blue tulle from Funtasticus and the one with the ladybird bought from a fair, but unfortunately I can't remember it's creator.

Hope you'll like them!
The next in this series will be my necklace collection. ..and I'm saving the best for last: my earrings collection!

Feel free to also check my rings and my brooches and badges !

My girlie side..


For my romanian readers, don't forget you have until 19th of November to enter my giveaway ! You can win a beautiful dress!

Today we have a great weather, warm and sunny, just how I like it. It reminds me of summer, so I thought why not post an outfit I wore this summer. It's more girlie than I'm used to wear, but I said I will show it to you anyway so you can tell me your opinion. Criticism is accepted, constructive one of course. I'm always open to suggestion on how to improve my look, I'm not that kind of girl who thinks that everyone should admire her for the amazing style she has. Everyone has different tastes and my style is evolving every day.

This is my veil cardigan that I ordered online, it’s so pretty and soft. The print is with pink roses and has two bows. Wearing it with my old faithful shorts, I think they have more then 5 years, and heels. The bracelet is in fact a necklace, but I thought it looks better this way.
Again I apologize for the background.
Which style do you think suits me better, girlie or tough/rock chick? I vote for the second one!

In my next post I will show you my headband collection ;)

Cardigan, top, shoes-no name
Headband and necklace/bracelet-Terranova


Longing for the old days...


My darlings, don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY where you can win a dress. It's only for my romanian readers, but I will do one for my international readers too. You can enter HERE !

First of all, sorry for the awful background. I promise soon I will learn how to edit photos, because I suck at that! If someone wants to help me I will be more than happy:)
I present you, boys and girls, an old outfit again, it's from June! I think I keep posting old looks because I yearn for the times when I was thin:))..Yes, that must be it!

I was wearing a black navy dress, gift from my cousin, who ordered it online, it was one size fits all and too large for her so she gave it to me..yupppy!! I remember I posted this outfit to an international fashion site and almost everyone thought it was a top and skirt, not a dress, that must have been because of the belt who delineates the top of the dress from its bottom.
I accesorized it with a brown belt, a ring made from rope, a brooch and earrings. Also I had a bow from another dress as a headband. As for the shoes, don't you just love them?! They're from a beige suede that equals with great:P

What do you think of this take on navy style, but on black or what do you think of  the regular navy style?

Again, for my romanian readers, join the GIVEAWAY, you can win a beautiful dress from Diva Style! See it HERE !

Headband-bow from a dress
Shoes- no name
Brooch-Meli Melo
Ring, earrings-handmade from a fair


Castiga o rochie chic cu Diva Style si La Bohème


Sorry, guys, this post is only for my romanian readers, I'm organizing a giveaway for them. I promise soon I will have one for my international readers too:)

Va amintiti ca v-am vorbit despre un nou magazin online Diva Style cu preturi accesibile si cu hainute chic? Ei bine, ei au fost atat de draguti incat sa ma ajute sa organizez un concurs pentru cititorii mei. Nu e grozav?!..si stati sa vedeti ce premiu minunat ofera.
Aceasta rochie superba din pozele de mai jos (care e disponibila in doua culori, la alegere si se potriveste pentru marimea S si M) va fi castigata de una dintre voi! Este perfecta si pentru Revelionul care se apropie cu pasi repezi!

Iata ce trebuie sa faceti pentru a va inscrie in concurs:

1. Trebuie sa dati follow blogului meu prin Google Friend Connect.
2. Trebuie sa intrati pe www.diva-style.ro si sa imi spuneti care este produsul vostru preferat de pe site.
3. Trebuie sa adaugati Diva Style ca prieten pe facebook. Pentru aceasta dati click aici
4. Lasati un comentariu la aceasta postare in care sa ma anuntati ca ati respectat toti pasii, acestia fiind obligatorii plus o adresa de e-mail la care sa va contactez in cazul in care veti castiga. Nerespectarea tuturor pasilor va duce la descalificare. Un singur comentariu acceptat per utilizator.
5. Cine va posta despre acest concurs pe blogul personal si imi va lasa link-ul in comentariu va fi inscris de doua ori la extragerea finala.

Concursul este deschis doar pentru persoanele din Romania in perioada 05.11.2010-19.11.2010, ora 24:00.
Castigatorul va fi desemnat cu ajutorul random.org in data 20.11.2010.

Acestea fiind spuse, succes tuturor participantilor!

Update 1: Va rog sa imi spuneti si numele de utilizator cu care ma urmariti prin Google Connect.
Update 2: Comentariile sunt moderate, nu vor aparea imediat, doar dupa ce vor fi aprobate de catre mine.

Doves and rainbows


Hello, my loves! Finally I can post something, I was so busy these days. I got a new job and a lot of work to do and besides that I'm helping my brother to promote his stand-up comedy shows. Didn't had time at all to take outfit photos and didn't had no one to take them also:D That means I'm posting an old look again, but I hope this weekend I will do some new photos. I want to thank all of my followers, you guys rock! Thank you for your support!

I'm wearing a doves printed top with a cardi, shorts with suspenders, my Nine West shoes that I've reedemed online and like always a handmade accessory, a purple flower. So that day I wanted to keep it simple and comfortable. Hope you like it! ;)
Check the last photo to see that nice rainbow:)

Top, shorts-Terranova
Shoes-Nine West

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