EN: As you know or may not know and you are finding it out now :), I'm currently hosting a lovely giveaway.
The sponsor of my giveaway is Mochi Beaucoup. Mochi Beaucoup is an online store, headquartered in San Francisco which has a large variety of accessories: bags, jewelry, belts, scarves and many more.
Below are some of my favorite items from the store:

1. Sakura Lace Collar, 2. Shabby Apple Messenger Bag, 3. Cupid Necklace, 4. Loriann Satchel, 5.Miss Deer Ring, 6. Little Pony Tail Shoulder Bag, 7. Puppies Belt, 8. Leopard Charm Scarf, 9. Princess Charming Crossbody
If you are charmed by these babies as much as I am use code Boheme20 for a 20% discount on your first purchase from www.mochibeaucoup.com. That means you need to create an account on the website and be logged in when you place your order. The code can't be combined with any other promotional code. Also facebook fans have free shipping. Isn't this awesome?
Click the photo to enter my current giveaway. You have until March 3.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Many of you didn't followed the mandatory rules or didn't do them properly. I've sent all of you an e-mail telling what you did wrong and how you can fix it. Also you can find on my facebook page, La Bohème, the names of those of you who didn't followed the rules. You have until March 2 to fix it or you will be disqualified.
RO: Dupa cum stiti sau nu stiti si aflati acum :) pe blogul meu este in desfasurare un concurs. Sponsorul concursului este Mochi Beaucoup. Mochi Beaucoup este un magazin online cu sediul in San Francisco ce are o gama larga de accesorii: genti, bijuterii, esarfe, curele si altele. Mai sus in aceasta postare vedeti produsele mele preferate de pe site.
Daca sunteti incantati de produse si vreti sa comandati puteti folosi codul Boheme20 pentru o reducere de 20% la prima comanda de pe www.mochibeaucoup.com. Asta inseamna ca trebuie sa va creati un cont pe site si sa fiti logati in momentul plasarii comenzii. Codul nu poate fi combinat cu alte coduri promotionale. De asemenea, fanii de pe facebook au transportul gratuit!
Dati click pe poza pentru a intra in concurs. Mai aveti timp pana pe 3 martie.
IMPORTANT: Multi dintre voi nu ati respectat regulile obligatorii sau le-ati facut gresit. Eu am trimis fiecaruia cate un e-mail spunandu-va ce ati gresit si cum puteti modifica. De asemenea, gasiti pe pagina mea de facebook, La Bohème, numele celor care nu au respectat regulile. Daca nu faceti modificarile necesare pana pe 2 martie, veti fi descalificati.