Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Maia.grozavescu-handmade giveaway!


Un nou concurs, de aceasta data sponsorizat de minunata maia.grozavescu. Maia este una dintre artistele mele preferate de handmade, din mainile ei prind viata cele mai frumoase personaje. Fiecare accesoriu pe care il face este desenat de mana, detaliile iti taie rasuflarea. De fiecare data cand port o creatie de-a sa am o zi extraordinara.
Maia a fost atat de draguta incat sa ma ajute sa organizez acest concurs pentru voi.  Multumesc, Maia!

Ce puteti castiga: o brosa si o pereche de cercei unicate!

Cerinte obligatorii pentru a participa:
1. Sa imi urmariti blogul prin Google Friend Connect.
2. Sa vizitati magazinul maiei.grozavescu si sa imi spuneti care este accesoriul vostru preferat.
3. Lasati un comentariu in care sa spuneti numele cu care ati dat follow blogului + accesoriul preferat + adresa de e-mail.

Pentru mai multe sanse in concurs:
1. Postati despre concurs pe blogul vostru (o sansa).
2. Adaugati-o pe Maia Grozavescu ca prietena pe facebook. Imi spuneti si numele de pe fb (o sansa).
3. "Like" La Bohème pe facebook. Imi spuneti si numele de pe fb (o sansa).

Un singur comentariu per utilizator. Comentariile sunt moderate.

Concursul este adresat doar persoanelor din Romania si se va incheia luni, 14 februarie la miezul noptii.
Castigatorul va fi ales cu ajutorul random.org si va fi anuntat pe 15 februarie.

Dimensiuni brosa: 3,5 cm
Dimensiuni cercei: 1 cm

A new giveaway. This time sponsored by the lovely maia.grozavescu. Maia is one of my favorite handmade artists, from her hands comes to life the most beautiful creations. All of the accessories she makes are drawn by hand, the details are breathtaking. Every time I wear something made by her I have a magnificent day.
So she was so sweet to help me organize this giveaway for you, guys. Thank you, Maia!
You can win a unique brooch and a pair of earrings.

To qualify you must:
1. You must be a follower of my blog via Google Friend Connect including the name you're following me with.
2. Visit maia.grozavescu store and tell me your favorite item.
3. Leave me a comment mentioning what I wrote at step 1 and 2.

For more chances to win you can do the following:
1. Post about this giveaway on your blog (one entry).
2. Add Maia Grozavescu as a friend on facebook (one entry).
2. Like La Bohème on facebook (one entry).

The giveaway is open only to romanian residents. I'm sorry international readers, I hope soon to find a sponsor to help me with an international giveaway.
Entries will be accepted until Monday, 14th February at 12 midnight.
The winner will be chosen via random.org  and announced on 15th February. 

A night with comedy


I think it's about time to make a new post..don't you think? I've been missing the world of blogging! How you all have been doing?

This is what I wore to my brother's stand-up comedy show. If you want a good laughter and you are from Bucharest he has a show tomorrow night. You can find more details here: Stand-up Comedy- Godot Cafe.
So I put on a navy (in the photo unfortunately looks black) vintage blazer with an emblem and this great dress that I redeem at the chic swap on Chictopia months ago. I love that it has those ruffles at the bottom. Paired it with black tights and black boots with heels. Choose to accessorize it with this turquoise necklace for a pop of color. Also I love big rings as you can see:)
Sorry for the quality of the photos.

Also I would love if you "like" my blog page on facebook: La Bohème
..or follow me on my new twitter account: LaBohemeFille


Dress-Forever 21
Rings-Meli Melo
Tights-no name


Draw me pretty/Christening


Last Saturday I’ve been to the christening of my boyfriend’s brother’s baby. After the christening was a little party at a restaurant, was very nice. This is what I wore, a simple dress with a retro vibe. What I like about it are the details: the V neckline and the plies under the breasts. I didn’t accessorize it too much: just a pearl headband that I wear as a necklace and some rings, two of them are a gift from the most lovely chictopian I know: angiekje

With this occasion you get to know my bf too (I think it’s about time). Don’t we look alike?:D


High maintenance girl


So that you can't say that I don't keep my promises I'm showing you an outfit today..yey!:)
I think I've told you I love otk socks, but I'm saying it again: I love them!!:) So you're going to see them often, get used to it! Although I would have preferred to wear shoes instead of boots, I think it works like this too.
What I like it's how the cardi looks tied like that, I don't know if you have noticed but this is my long cardi from here.
Really wanted to say something witty on this post, but my mind seems to be blank right now. So for my mind not to be blank:)), suggest me a good book to read.

P.S: If you wonder why this title: those words are written on the necklace. Enigma solved!

Otk socks-Meli Melo
Dress, belt, shoes, tights-no name


Thank you!


Issa from lil.lu ♥ bijoux was so sweet to award me with the Stylish Blogger Award, but since I've just done this, will give you the link again: Fall is here. Thank you so much, Issa, I really appreciate it and I'm happy that you thought of me.
As for you, guys, you should definitely check her store, she makes some wonderful handmade accessories. See it here!

I promise an outfit post soon, my life has been so hectic lately and I didn't had the time.
Thank you new and old followers! You're great!

I leave you with some beautiful photos I've took a week ago in a park:)


Meet my necklaces 2


Told you that I have a lot of necklaces, so here you have the second part. Which one do you like the most?

1. Painted wood beads-Ruxish, 2. Elephant-Biba Bijoux

 1. Bird free from the cage-Buy Hand, 2. Clock-Meli Melo, 
3. Robot-random store, 4. Cameo-Meli Melo

1. Choker-Terranova, 2. Iron necklace-random store, 3. Rose beads-Terranova

Sleepless night


Last night I couldn't sleep..again and as always and an idea came to my mind: why not post some of the outfits I wore last year and didn't had the chance to show it to you?!! Didn't found an answer to "why not?" and I decided to show them. It's going to be a long list, so be prepared..here I come!:D
What is your favorite from them?

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