Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Am ramas doar eu


Am mai ramas doar eu singurel si vreau si eu o casuta. Hai ia-ma la tine! Sunt tare jucaus si haios!
Daca esti din Bucuresti, al tau sunt..sau a ta (nu ii stim sexul)!
Contacteaz-o pe Mona la adresa de e-mail: boheme.fille@yahoo.com

Update: Micutul si-a gasit si el stapan..yupiii! Ii multumesc noului stapan care l-a adoptat. Enjoy Meow!

Meet my rings


This is part two of my accesories collection. You already met my brooches & badges and now is the turn of my rings.  Some of them are handmade, some of them bought from regular stores.
Here they are:

From left to right: 1. Issa   2.Moa  3.Meli Melo
1.Kenvelo  2.Incrafts 
1.MooBijoux   2.Meli Melo  3.Meli Melo
1.Meli Melo  2.Accesorize
1.Alice & Sara   2.from a fair
1.Meli Melo  2,3.from a fair
1,3.gifts  2.Moa 
1.from a fair  2.Meli Melo
Meli Melo

That's it, I hope I took a photo of all of them or maybe some are forgotten in a corner of my accesories box:P
So, which one is your favorite from this list?!

Colour me pretty


Well, guys, I'm a lazy ass and everytime I want to post I find something else to do:P
Another September outfit, it was very hot that day. Although I rarely use orange in my outfits, the coincidence was that in my one of the latest post and this one I'm wearing orange. I think this are the only two times I wore orange this year. I have this shirt for two years and I only wore it once. I really don't know why, because is very pretty. As you have noticed before I really love the belts from BURP , in fact all of their accesories. The pencil skirt I bought recently, it has some really cute ruffles. I love the shoes, because of the beautiful shade of blue and for the big bow on the side.The earrings are one of my favorites, they're from wood and hand painted. I had such a bad hair day and a bad face day:))
Hope you enjoy this look!

Shirt, skirt- no name
Belt- BURP
Shoes- Scarpasa
Earrings- Dragon fly
Purse- Terranova

Clyde's rebirth 100 $ giveaway

Check this great giveaway that Clyde's rebirth  is holding.  A 100 dollars store credit to her shops.
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