Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Basketball girl


Dress/Rochie - second hand store
Sneakers/Adidași - H&M
Tights/Dresuri - Tally Weijl

Photo credit: Sabin Barac

EN: I remember having second thoughts when I bought this dress from a second hand store 3 years ago, but with time it grew on me. I must admit I didn't wore it too many times, is a little see through for my taste, but I do think is pretty cool. You can see how I've combined it in an outfit in the summer of 2013 right here: Michael Jordan has nothing on me.
Did you ever bought an item that you didn't liked that much at first and than began loving it more and more? Or maybe loving it the time you've made the purchase and eventually hate it? I did that a couple of times.
Although I like to buy unusual and out of the ordinary items, I'm still in love the most with pieces of clothing that are timeless. What is your go-to outfit?

Sporty chic in blue


Pants, top/Pantaloni, bluză - H&M
Cardigan/Pulover - QI Cashmere
Earrings/Cercei - Terranova
Shoes/Pantofi - Modlily

EN: Although I always exclaim with conviction that green is my favorite color most often you will see me wearing blue. I don't know how I do it, but I frequently buy clothes in this color. In today's post I have already taken things to another level by combining various shades of blue. Maybe in the past I wouldn't bet on a mixture of sporty pants and heels, but today I do it without any hesitation. Although I always liked "out of the ordinary" outfits, I only accepted sport items in the gym. In time, I began to include them in my wardrobe, mostly sneakers and pants, but never included them in a fully sporty outfit. 
Don't be afraid to try combos between different styles: sporty, classic, bohemian, etc. Most times you will be admired for the courage and the special attire.

Stil impecabil la birou cu Noi9.ro


În acest sezon, Noi9.ro propune o împrospătare a garderobei office și aduce în prim plan piese care definesc silueta și emană feminitate și eleganță absolută.

Cu o selecție seducătoare de haine, genți, încălțăminte și accesorii, Noi9 este destinația de shopping online pentru femeile care își doresc apariții stilate, care să le pună în valoare personalitatea.
Noi9.ro propune piese exclusiv de la branduri și producători români, printre aceștia fiind îmbrăcăminte Giorgal, Zada Boutique și Alexandra Ghiorghie, încălțăminte Verogia, genți Gianni Conti și Verogia și accesorii Yannia, Katelier sau Erika.

Prin selecția de la Giorgal, Noi9.ro propune pentru acest sezon ca material predominant tricotul. Acest tip de textură este un “chic-alert” al toamnei, când sunt necesare piese din țesături pline, care să fie delicate cu pielea.

Modern look for autumn


Dress/Rochie - HERE
Sandals/Sandale - HERE
Clutch/Plic - La Muse Chic
Accessories/Accesorii - H&M, Terranova etc.

Photo credit: 
Sabin Barac

EN: My darlings, I'm in such a hurry so I will just leave you with the photos. I promise I will deliver an interesting text when I will be back.
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