Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Meet my earrings 5


I know, I know, I didn't posted an outfit in ages...I promise I will do that in my next post, scout's word! ;)
Now I will continue with my earrings collection, yeah that huge earrings collection I was talking about on my previous posts( Meet my earrings 1, 2, 3, 4)..and yeah, those earrings that I haven't worn for half an year!

P.S: When I will reach 500 "likes" on my facebook page I will do another giveaway! So feel free to "like" me, you guys!

1. Tools - Forever Young, 2. Stork and baby - Tricks Box, 3. Bones - I forgot the name of the creator, 4. Leather and Wire - BWE

1,2,3 - random stores, 4. Grey Buttons - Terranova

1. "Pearls" - Accessorize, 2. Dolls - Forever Young, 3. Blue buttons - gift, 4. Black semi-circles - random store


Today I'm girlie


A light Sunday post for a day spent inside the house just doing nothing. I usually show you the outfits I wear, but today, for the first time, I will show you the manicure I had this last week and, like you're already used to, some pretty rings.
Here it goes!:)

I love this nail polish. The natural hue is wonderful. I used Rimmel Matte Finish to make it look like that.

I used a simple nail polish and some glitter to make it look a little fancy.

Wednesday I'm in love


...irremediably and hopelessly in love!

                                              Dior rings

Dresses for SS12


(Photo via pantofica.ro)
(Photo via The Fancy Teacup)

(Photo via Atelier Mayer)

Sasha vrea sa fie adoptata!


Pentru adoptie o fetita de 5 luni, cu numele de Sasha, tare jucausa, de talie mica, traieste in gradina din spatele blocului meu, dar e tot timpul expusa la pericole din cauza unor vecini care urasc cainii, in plus cu venirea iernii ii va fi si mai greu si mi-e teama ca nu va supravietui. A mai avut doi fratiori care au murit si nu vreau sa aiba si ea aceeasi soarta.
A fost luata o luna sau doua la tara de catre niste vecini, care au si deparazitat-o, dar care au abandonat-o din nou in gradina cand s-au intors.
Anuntul este destinat in special persoanelor din Bucuresti, dar daca cineva din alta localitate este interesat si poate veni sa o ia, nu este nici o problema. 
Va rog daca se poate sa scrieti despre ea pe blogul vostru sau sa dati un share pe facebook. Multumesc!
Ma puteti contacta la boheme.fille@yahoo.com.
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