Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Spring, primăvară, printemps, primavera, frühling, 春 ....


EN: Yes, I'm calling you in all languages..just please come! ;) I prepared for you the best dresses, the most tempting skirts, all the colorful tights..just be there, baby! I will treat you like no other!! Oh, my dear Spring!

Enjoy a last year outfit till' Spring decides to come by!

RO: Da, da, te strig in toate limbile (nu va ganditi la prostii copii, eu sigur nu ma gandesc:D).. numai vino odata! Ti-am pregatit cele mai bune rochii, cele mai tentante fuste, cei mai colorati ciorapi..numai prezinta-te aici, iubito! O sa te tratez ca pe nimeni alta! Ohh, draga mea primavara!

Bucurati-va de o tinuta de anul trecut pana cand primavara se hotaraste sa vina!

Cardigan - Primark
Dress/Rochie - Forever 21
Belt/Curea - BURP
Sandals - Scarpasa
Tights/Ciorapi - Laura Baldini
Bag/Geanta - Moa

IMPORTANT:  Just 9 hours left to enter the GIVEAWAY sponsored by MOCHI BEAUCOUP! Hurry up!

IMPORTANT: Mai aveti doar 9 ore sa va inscrieti la CONCURSUL sponsorizat de MOCHI BEAUCOUP! Grabiti-va!

Mochi Beaucoup - Giveaway reminder - 20% discount code


EN: As you know or may not know and you are finding it out now :), I'm currently hosting a lovely giveaway.
The sponsor of my giveaway is Mochi Beaucoup. Mochi Beaucoup is an online store, headquartered in San Francisco which has a large variety of accessories: bags, jewelry, belts, scarves and many more.
                               Below are some of my favorite items from the store:

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If you are charmed by these babies as much as I am use code Boheme20 for a 20% discount on your first purchase from www.mochibeaucoup.com. That means you need to create an account on the website and be logged in when you place your order. The code can't be combined with any other promotional code. Also facebook fans have free shipping. Isn't this awesome?

Click the photo to enter my current giveaway. You have until March 3.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Many of you didn't followed the mandatory rules or didn't do them properly. I've sent all of you an e-mail telling what you did wrong and how you can fix it. Also you can find on my facebook page, La Bohème, the names of those of you who didn't followed the rules. You have until March 2 to fix it or you will be disqualified.

RO: Dupa cum stiti sau nu stiti si aflati acum :) pe blogul meu este in desfasurare un concurs. Sponsorul concursului este Mochi Beaucoup. Mochi Beaucoup este un magazin online cu sediul in San Francisco ce are o gama larga de accesorii: genti, bijuterii, esarfe, curele si altele. Mai sus in aceasta postare vedeti produsele mele preferate de pe site.

Daca sunteti incantati de produse si vreti sa comandati puteti folosi codul Boheme20 pentru o reducere de 20% la prima comanda de pe www.mochibeaucoup.com. Asta inseamna ca trebuie sa va creati un cont pe site si sa fiti logati in momentul plasarii comenzii. Codul nu poate fi combinat cu alte coduri promotionale. De asemenea, fanii de pe facebook au transportul gratuit!

Dati click pe poza pentru a intra in concurs. Mai aveti timp pana pe 3 martie.

IMPORTANT: Multi dintre voi nu ati respectat regulile obligatorii sau le-ati facut gresit. Eu am trimis fiecaruia cate un e-mail spunandu-va ce ati gresit si cum puteti modifica.  De asemenea, gasiti pe pagina mea de facebook, La Bohème, numele celor care nu au respectat regulile. Daca nu faceti modificarile necesare pana pe 2 martie, veti fi descalificati.

We Love Couture - locul de intalnire al designerilor romani/ We Love Couture - the meeting place of all romanian designers


RO: Acum ceva timp am descoperit site-ul www.welovecouture.ro si am fost impresionata sa vad atat de multi designeri romani la un loc, asa ca azi m-am hotarat sa vi-l prezint si voua.
We Love Couture poate fi definit ca spatiul virtual de intalnire a celor mai creative spirite, un loc unde poti gasi cele mai sic haine, pantofi si accesorii si toate in serie limitata sau unicat. Designeri romani renumiti, dar si designeri la inceput de drum, va prezinta creatiile lor originale la preturi foarte bune. Ceea ce este si mai grozav este ca in aceasta perioada ei au si reduceri de la 10% la 60%.

Iata cateva dintre lucrurile care va vor incanta privirea pe We Love Couture si care pe mine m-au cucerit.

EN: Some time ago I've discovered the www.welovecouture.ro website and I was impressed to see so many talented romanian designers in one place, so today I decided that all of you need to find out about it.
We Love Couture can be defined as the virtual meeting space of  all the creative spirits, a place where you can find the chicest clothes, shoes and accessories, all in limited series or unique. Famous romanian designers, but also designers that are at the beginning of their career, introduce you their original creations at very good prices. What is even better is that the We Love Couture items are now reduced between 10% and 60%.

Here are some items that will delight you, I hope as much as they delighted me.

A failed attempt or not?


EN: When it comes to girlie things like doing my nails, my make-up, sewing things, ironing clothes and more, I'm a mess with a big "M", that is why I'm so proud that I managed to do a different manicure, not the simple one that I always do. I don't know what you think about it, but I like it. So please don't be too judgemental with someone who has no idea what is doing! :))

RO: Cand e vorba de facut "lucruri de fete" ca manichiura, machiatul, cusutul sau calcatul sunt un dezastru cu "D" mare, de aceea sunt mandra ca am reusit sa imi fac unghiile altfel, nu simplu ca de obicei. Nu stiu voi ce credeti, dar mie imi place. Asa ca va rog sa nu judecati prea aspru pe cineva care nu are nici cea mai vaga idee ce face! :))

Also don't forget about the awesome giveaway I'm hosting with Mochi Beaucoup.

Sa nu uitati si de giveaway-ul pe care il gazduiesc acum cu Mochi Beaucoup.

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