Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Lovely September


EN: Yup, Monday again! Let's make the best out of this week!
Today I have for you a cute pink look. The dress is a bit large, so I belted it, but it still shows a little. I think it works, right? Anyway, the dress looks a lot better in reality than in these photos. I will not say that I don't like how the photos turned out or how my hair looks, because people always tell me I'm too critical on myself and I need to stop that, so I won't say those things. :)))
I do love the shape of the dress and its color. If you like it too you can find it right here.
I'm thinking of diying my hair again, that green fades out so fast, one wash and is out. What color to choose now: blue, orange...?!

RO: Dap, e luni iar! Hai să facem săptămâna asta memorabilă!
Azi vă arăt o ținută mai cumințică și mai roz. :) Rochia mi-e cam mare, așa că am pus o curea în talie. Încă se observă, dar cred că arată ok, nu? Apropo, rochia chiar arată mult mai bine în realitate față de cum a ieșit în poze. Nu voi mai spune că nu îmi place cum au ieșit pozele sau cum îmi stă părul, pentru că lumea îmi zice mereu că sunt prea critică cu mine însămi, așa că nu voi spune toate lucrurile astea! :)))
Totuși forma, modelul și culoarea rochiei îmi plac.  Dacă vă place și vouă rochița o găsiți aici.
Mă gândesc să îmi vopsesc părul iar, verdele ăla se duce atât de repede, o spălare și a dispărut. Păstrez movul, dar ce culoare adaug: albastru, portocaliu?!

Dress/Rochie - Here
Earrings/Cercei - Chicnova
Belt/Curea - Stradivarius via kurtmann.ro
Shoes/Pantofi - random store
Bag/Geantă - second hand store

And since the cold weather is just around the corner, enjoy some great discounts on cardigans and jumpers. Up to 50% off.
Valid dates: Sep17 to Sep19
Only 72 hours!!
Don’t miss, girls!


  1. love your hair!! maybe we can follow each other? let me know! <3 http://exality.blogspot.com/

  2. Foarte draguta rochita, iti vine tare bine :)

  3. you look very nice ! i like it ;)
    and you are są pretty girl ;)

  4. Imi place rochia si "gulerul" ei tunica.

  5. Poate ca ar fi mai potrivita o culoare naturala..fara mov, verde, etc!:)

  6. your CIPRIA dress is wonderful
    i like ite very much
    belt is nice
    my name is angela
    from ITALY
    visit my blog

  7. Lovely photos! You look great!


  8. You have great style! That dress is so classy and pretty!

  9. iii ce-mi place parul tau :)

  10. Love your hair and gorgeous dress.

  11. I can still see that the dress is a bit too big for you, but it still looks lovely with the pink belt! Very chic and feminine outfit! :)

  12. Very nice look! I love it!
    kisses from Spain

    New post: http://pourquoimoi.es/pourquoi-catuxa/

  13. lovely outfit and your hair looks fine in all the photo <3


  14. yahh ! so pretty dress ! amazing look :)

    + would you like to follow each other?


  15. great dress - but that purple in your hair. LOVE

    -issa @ wewearthings.com


  16. Amazing look!!!
    Hi what a cute nice blog honey you have.....My name is Paola I am a Blogger based in italy and I was wandering if we could follow each other GFC and bloglovin.
    Let me know I will follow you back!!!


Say it like you mean it! :)

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