Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

2010 recap- part 1


Well, this year I've started my blog, to be more precise at the end of September so I thought in this post I will do a recap of all the outfits that have been here on my little world of fashion. Also wanted to thank you all for being here with me and always being supportive, I've came a long way.

Wanted to tell you my new year resolutions (that I probably won't keep), but I don't think I know who those are. Just one it's coming to my mind: live every day like it will be my last, enjoy everything to the fullest and god damn it..smile a lot more! I just want this year to be over, it was the hardest of my life, one bad thing after another, just when I thought I had enough and could not take it anymore another bad thing happened. Maybe next year will be better, I hope with all my heart that will be so.

Now let's see the first part of the outfits (in the order I've posted them on the blog) and tomorrow you'll see the rest of the outfits:)



  1. Sper ca 2011 sa fie cel mai bun an pe care il ai:)Si eu tot la sfarsitul lui Septembrie/inceputul lui Octombrie am inceput, so...La multi multi ani si sa ploua cu succesuri:D


  2. Great idea you had to do a small recap of your outfits. About the new year, I hope it will bring you lots of joy and good memories. I am sorry you had a bad year, but you have to believe 2011 will be much, much better.
    Hugs and have fun tomorrow.

  3. Multumesc la fel:*
    Cu putin noroc, ma asteapta un drum de juma' de zi pana la Cluj, undeva la munte:) Depinde de vreme...daca ninge e clar ca raman acasa!

  4. You look great in everything, what a nice little recap! Hopes to that 2011 will be much better. :D <3

  5. love all your fabulous looks :)
    in legatura cu intrebarea ta: eu am facut pozele cat mai mici, le-am tras una langa alta cu drag and drop si le-am aliniat sa fie pe centru. sper ca are sens ce am zis.

  6. oh i love this post!! you look adorable in every single one :)


  7. I love all this looks so much!! I love all the recaps everyones doing

  8. Happy New Year Love!!!! =) May 2011 be an awesome year for us!


Say it like you mean it! :)

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