Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

One dress 4 ocassions


Remember I've told you about the gorgeous Angie?! Well, she was kind enough to include me on her article on Chictopia: One dress 4 occasions! I had to do a challenge, to create 4 very distinct looks using one dress. My choice was a pink floral dress, that most of us use in spring and summer, but I wanted to show that you can also use it in winter. So I chose "chic" for a party at the office, "casual" for shopping for gifts, "sweet" for a holiday with family, "sexy" for a cocktail party.

Will give you a little teaser here and in the next days I will show you and describe one outfit per day.

So please read the article, it's very interesting and Angie did a great job writing it. You can also see the other chic ladies that were a part of this challenge: Annebeth, Michelle and Angie, of course.


  1. Am citit acum articolul si ca de obicei, este foarte bun.Angie scrie frumos iar subiectele sunt foarte bine alese.Anyway, dintre toate rochiile cel mai mult imi place a ta:D So, congrats, i love it!:*

  2. I loove this, such a good idea and so cute. You all had amazing looks!!I especially loved your third one :)

  3. You!!! Too adorable and glad that you are having fun with it! I also love the way you pin it up!

    Have a gratifying day! (:

    Sanny's Head to Heart

  4. Love the dress and the 4 ways you can wear it. Actually, I loved all the outfits the girls chosen and the article was a lot of fun. I can't wait to see more of these fun themes at Chictopia.

  5. @Cecille: Yup, they are.

    @Andreea: Chiar scrie foarte bine, imi place stilul ei. Ma bucur tare mult ca iti place rochita. Mersi:*

    @Gabriel Sima: Nu ai pentru ce ;)

    @Nana: I'm really glad you like it! Thank you!

    @Alma: Multumesc!

    @JennaStevie:Thank you so much! Angie had such a great idea with this!

    @Sanny: Thank youuuu, Sanny!

    @Laura: Thanks, Laura! Can't wait to see more of them too! You should do the same with one of your dresses, I;m sure you will be doing a great job!

  6. Nice collages ;)
    Your dress is beautiful.
    ♥♥♥, Angie

    would you like to follow each other?

  7. You chose a good/pretty dress and styled it well! Love them all but my fave is the last one.=)


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