Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Meet my earrings 7


EN: Like I've told you in my previous post about my earrings collection, Meet my earrings 6, I still have lots of earrings to show you...meaning that now you're enjoying part 7. :D

RO: Dupa cum va spuneam in cea mai recenta postare despre colectia mea de cercei, Meet my earrings 6, inca mai am multe perechi de cercei pe care sa vi le arat...asta insemnand ca va veti bucura de partea cu numarul 7 acum. :D

1. Ribbons - gift,  2. Ears - Punct G, 3&4. - Bohemian Sin

All sets are from Terranova.


Bag adoration and colors


EN: Yey for spring!! Today was a beautiful day to lounge in the sun and so I did after taking these photos.. I just sat on the grass that was pricking me because it is still dry and I enjoyed the sun.

This was my outfit today: colorful and springy! I adore this little bag from Oasap, it's the cutest and although I didn't thought so is very roomy: my camera, my phone, my lipstick and mascara, my cards, my mirror..they all fit in the bag. Perfect and a big plus that is in my favorite color! :)  Thanks, Oasap!
P.S: Sorry for my weird face, the sun was in my eyes all the time and sorry for the swallowed face - had a white night. :) I also inserted a funny photo for your delight. :D

RO: Yey pentru primavara!! Azi a fost o zi perfecta pentru a te tolani la soare si chiar asta am facut dupa ce am terminat cu fotografiile...am stat pe iarba care ma intepa grozav, pentru ca inca este uscata, si m-am bucurat de soare.

Iata si tinuta de azi: colorata si primavaratica! Ador gentuta asta de la Oasap, este atat de draguta si, desi nu am crezut, foarte incapatoare: aparatul foto, telefonul mobil, rujul si rimelul, cardurile, oglinda..toate au incaput in geanta!:) Multumesc, Oasap!
P.S: Scuze pentru fata mea ciudata, soarele a fost in ochii mei tot timpul si scuze si pentru fata umflata - am avut o noapte alba. :) Am adaugat si o poza amuzanta pentru bucuria voastra. :D

Skirt/Fusta - vintage
Top/Tricou - Gina Tricot
Bag/Geanta - OASAP
Cardigan, watch, shoes, tights/Cardigan, ceas, pantofi, dresuri - random stores
Necklace/Colier - Meli Melo


Discount coupons and sales at Romwe.com, Oasap.com, Clubcouture.cc and MochiBeaucoup.com


EN: It seems that spring is finally here and we want to look our best, so 4 of my favorite stores have discount coupons and sales. Here they are:

RO: Se pare ca a venit in sfarsit primavara si noi vrem sa aratam cat mai bine, de aceea 4 dintre magazinele mele preferate ofera cupoane de reducere si au reduceri generoase. Iata-le:

Romwe items

Romwe items by boheme-fille featuring retro inspired dresses

1.Coupon code:RomweAprilFools15
$15 off Coupon on Purchase over $60 at Romwe.com and only be used once per customer! Free shipping! 
2.Coupon code:RomweAprilFools25
$25 off Coupon on Purchase over $90 at Romwe.com and only be used once per customer! Free shipping!
3.Coupon code:RomweAprilFools35
$35 off Coupon on Purchase over $120 at Romwe.com and only be used once per customer! Free shipping! 


Oasap.com by boheme-fille featuring a chiffon dress

 Oasap High-Street Fashion has dresses at only $29 and free shipping everywhere in the world. Get your hands on one of these beauties, but hurry because they sell quickly! 

Oasap High-Street Fashion are rochii la doar $29 si transport gratuit oriunde in lume. Neaparat cumparati una dintre aceste rochite minunate, dar grabiti-va pentru ca se vand ca painea calda!


clubcouture.cc by boheme-fille on polyvore.com

Use code CCBLOG15 to get a 15% discount on clubcouture.cc.

Folositi codul CCBLOG15 pentru o reducere de 15% pe clubcouture.cc.


mochibeaucoup.com by boheme-fille featuring a yellow wallet

Use code Boheme20 for a 20% discount on your first order from www.mochibeaucoup.com. Free shipping worldwide.

Folositi codul Boheme20 pentru o reducere de 20% pentru prima voastra comanda pe www.mochibeaucoup.com. Transport gratuit oriunde in lume.

Happy shopping!
Spor la cumparaturi!



EN: Since today is not my best day I will just leave you with some of my outfits. Favorites?
           I will announce the winner of the Blushing Goodies giveaway tomorrow.

RO: Cum azi nu este cea mai buna zi a mea va las cu cateva dintre tinutele mele. Preferata voastra?
        Voi anunta castigatorul concursului Blushing Goodies maine.

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