Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Mya Beauty giveaway


This time I will announce a great giveaway on another blog, but it's only for romanians.

Mya Beauty organizeaza un grozav giveaway pe blogul ei. Puteti castiga foarte multe premii interesante, printre care o superba trusa de machiaj. Giveaway-ul se termina pe 11 decembrie, ora 00:00, asa ca mai aveti timp sa va inscrieti. Pentru a participa click aici! Iata si o mica poza cu premiile oferite:

Confessions of a Shopaholic giveaway

My giveaway is over, but that doesn't mean that there aren't other great giveaways where you can enter. I just discovered shoppingaholic giveaway, you can win $35 or $15 to spend on ASOS, but hurry up because tomorrow, 6th December it's the last day to enter. You can check it out here!

Good luck!

Baby, I'm ready to go!


 I feel that I really neglected my international readers these couple of weeks and it's time to get back on my original track, to post outfits that is. Really miss talking to you, guys, hearing your opinions, your sweet comments. Don't you feel that when someone appreciates your style, the way you dress, you feel more confident? So you give me confidence and what a nice feeling that is! Although I'm not going to post a recent outfit ( sorry, but I've been busy and besides that I gained a lot of weight and nothing fits me anymore, so I wear whatever I find in my closet), I hope you will still like it. It's something that I wore on my cousins birthday, at the end of March, and it was pretty cold back then. We went out and had a little fun:)

These leggings are the only shiny thing I own, you won't see anything shiny on me besides them. I wore them with a simple black top and my navy cardigan (that I lost on my way to an exam) belted with a beautiful blue belt. My suede beige shoes and I was ready to go! Not to forget my accessories: a cameo ring with doves, leather and wire earrings, a  hand painted cameo necklace.

Sorry for the date on some of the photos.

Jacket, cardigan, shoes-no name
Top and belt-Terranova
Leggings-Golden Point

Castigator concurs "Alege sa porti rochie!"


Asadar si asa deci...cine a castigat?! M-am gandit ca nu sunteti prea curioase si sa mai aman extragerea castigatorului pana maine! Ce ziceti?:) Mda, glumeam!! Stiu, stiu, excelenta gluma!:))

Castigatorul deja a fost ales cu ajutorul lui random.org si este........
                                                Nr.ul 28, anna

Felicitari! O sa primesti un e-mail imediat si te rog sa imi raspunzi chiar astazi pentru ca este ultima comanda in acest an pe site-ul www.diva-style.ro. Va multumesc tuturor ca ati participat si o sa mai urmeze si alte concursuri si sunt sigura ca va veni si randul vostru sa castigati un premiu. Pana atunci astazi o sa va "delectez" cu o noua postare a unei tinute purtate acum ceva vreme. Nu plecati nicaieri!
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