Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Papillon Chouette's giveaway


My dear friend, Angie from Papillon Chouette, is hosting her first giveaway. She is offering a lovely dress to one of her readers. What I love most about this giveaway is that guys can enter too, because she has a great tee from Tommy Hilffiger to offer to them. So what you're waiting for? Click this photo to go to the giveaway post:

The 100th post


The rain doesn't want to stop! I went to Street Delivery(urban arts & crafts event that takes place in the streets of Bucharest) today and I got soaking wet, oh yes! So as you can guess I'm not showing you today's outfit, but the one I wore like a week ago and didn't want to post, but what the hell- a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do!!:))

This is my 100th post and I hope you've enjoyed my blog until now, I promise I will get better with time:) I have nothing special prepared for this occasion:P, but I will when I will celebrate one year of blogging at the end of September.

Dress&bracelet-no name
Necklace-Joliesse Design

Photo from Joliesse Design site.

Ne vedem vineri? -Comics.CevaMărunt.ro lansează primul album tipărit


Asadar si asa deci:) va astept vineri, 10 iunie, in Club 99( Bulevardul Dacia nr. 99) in jurul orei 17 pentru a va bucura cu mic cu mare de lansarea primului album tipărit Comics.CevaMărunt.ro. Albumul, ce are 120 de pagini full color, este editat independent de Toma Alexandru și Sergiu Floroaia (pe care cel mai probabil îi știți și din showurile de stand-up comedy), împreună cu Paul Alexandru și Dan Crișan.

Albumul are un tiraj limitat și conține comicuri ce au apărut pe site-ul Ceva Mărunt începând cu 2008, dar și comicuri exclusiv pentru ediția tipărită.

Comics.CevaMărunt.ro, ce a sărbătorit de curând trei ani de existență, a adunat până acum aproape 500 de comicuri și peste 1300 de cadre, fiind constant updatat de 3 ori pe săptămână.

Comics.CevaMărunt.ro a făcut parte dintre artiștii ce au contribuit la cartea “The Book of George” ce a fost lansată la începutul anului în Franța la Angloueme, dar și la proiecte precum 24h Comics care are și o foarte mică ediție printată ce va fi disponibilă la vânzare odată cu apariția albumuluii Comics.CevaMărunt.ro.

Baietii va astepta la o discuție, o sesiune de autografe, un moment de mentalism cu Vlad Grigorescu, o expoziție și câteva surprize.

Retro chic


Yes, summer is here, not my favorite season. I take spring over summer any time. I can't wait to melt myself on 40 degrees Celsius temperatures..or not!:) Where I'm going with this, well today was a hot day, still bearable, but hot nontheless.  The wind saved the day.
So what can you do on a hot day? Maybe go to a terrace and lye in the sun or you can go to a long, long walk to get rid of those 20 kilograms you've gained( yes, I gained 20 kilos, but no, not because I am a lazy ass, some health problems were the reason) in the last year and a half. Which one you think was my choice? The second one was definitely my choice! So I took my NEW vintage dress and put together a retro outfit, colorful retro outfit of course. I'm not too sure about the lenght of this dress: should I leave it like that or make it shorter, like knee lenght? What do you think?

P.S: If you have trouble commenting on this post please let me know on facebook : La Bohème

Dress-Cabaret Closet
Bow brooch-handmade from a fair
Ring-Raluca Botez

 On another note, I keep seeing my photos pixelated, unclear and I don't know why. Do you have any idea?
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