Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label oxford shoes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oxford shoes. Show all posts

Shirt dresses - a must have for fall


Shirt dress/Rochie cămașă - HERE
Oxford shoes/Pantofi oxford - CCC
Jacket/Jachetă - Shein
Otk socks/Șosete peste genunchi - Choies

EN: My lovelies, is really good to be back to blogging. I've missed it. But I'm here to stay. So let's begin this post by showing you my new hair color. Yes, I decided to put my boyfriend to work, to let him experience with my hair. Yes, I was brave, I took that risk, but the result was pretty good. Don't you think so?
On another note, I think that shirt dresses are such a good option for fall. I really like this jeans look-a-like one. On the site says it fits sizes between XS and M, I can even dare to say L, because I'm an M and is pretty loose on me. I wouldn't recommend it for an XS, it would be too large. This shirt dresses are a great alternative to regular dresses and if you want a look that is more urban is the right choice. For this season trench coats are a must-have too, so don't forget to add at least one to your wardrobe. There are plenty to choose from on this wide web.
If you like my shirt dress or you want to find other chic items, you can find them on clearence right here.

Back to the childhood


EN: Lately I'm attracted to more childish outfits (maybe because I change my prefix next month and I want to feel like a kid again), is also the case of today's look. A colorful sweatshirt worn over a dress, cute tights and a pair of chic oxfords, they're the ingredients of a fun look. I'm into a lot of blue lately too.
What style is your favorite?

RO: În ultima vreme sunt atrasă de ținute mai copilărești (poate pentru că schimb prefixul luna viitoare și încă vreau să mă simt ca un copil), așa cum este cazul și look-ului de astăzi. O bluză colorată purtată peste o rochie, o pereche de dresuri simpatice și niște oxforzi devin ingredientele unei ținute jucăușe. 
Care este stilul vostru preferat?

Sweatshirt/Bluză - Chicwish
Dress/Rochie - Romwe
Oxfords/Pantofi - Bb Up
Tights/Dresuri - Laura Baldini
Bag/Geantă - Bershka

Btw, Romwe has again some great discounts. This time for Halloween.
Up to 70% off, over 1000+ styles
FREE Mystery Gift Orders over $40
Date: 10/25/2013 -10/31/2013
And new flash sale now:

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