Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Creează look-ul dorit cu accesoriul perfect


Fete dragi, dacă îmi citiți blogul de ceva timp sau chiar dacă sunteți cititoare mai noi, sigur v-ați dat seamă că sunt un fan declarat al accesoriilor, mai ales a celor care au acel "je ne sais quoi", care sunt altfel, care pot schimba în totalitate o ținută. Printre preferatele mele se numără cerceii și colierele, dar nu zic "nu" nici altor tipuri de accesorii atât timp cât sunt speciale. Și speciale sunt și cele pe care vreau să le admirați astăzi. Am de gând să vă recomand câteva potrivite pentru fiecare stil și stare de spirit.

Pentru stilul hippie sau cel boem ar merge de minune un accesoriu colorat, plin de viață, care să inspire și să te facă să te simți bine. Cred că acest colier ar fi o alegere ideală.

Îl găsești aici.

Overalls fans, let's unite!


Overall/Salopetă - Takko Fashion
Cardigan/Cardigan - Etic
Shoes/Pantofi - Modlily
Necklace/Colier - Six
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo

EN: Yo, bro, is really summer here! How did I realized that you wonder? Well, I don't know. It might be because of all the uncovered bellies of hot, ferocious males that stroll the city or from all the alluring and inviting scents that "live" in the public means of transport or from all the barbecues that are at every corner: come take the sausage and steak, people! or maybe from the half naked buttocks that delight my vision immediately after I step out the door. Hmm, is possible. As it is possible also to be because of the sound of waves that hit the shore, of easy-breezy dresses, of sunburnt skin, of dreamy sunrises and sunsets, of the breeze that gives you goosebumps, of  kisses with burning lips. 
I think is an amalgam of all of the above.

And in summer you want comfy clothes, that is why I chose to wear this overall. The only downsize: a bit difficult to manoeuvre if you want to do number one or even two, it doesn't matter. :))) Well, sometimes you just have to hold it in, sacrificies are needed to be made if you want to look nice and presentable. :))

I'm done, I'll let you enjoy the summer, but not before asking what this season represents to you. Let me hear ya!

Summer sale on SheIn: up to 80% off


Ay, ay, ay, que calor! Summer is in full swing. I can only think of sandy beaches, the blue sea, the warm sun, the flirty looks, the tanned skin. Hot weather asks for easy-breezy clothes. I'm a sucker for summer items that are easy to wear, but chic at the same time. Lately I like more practical designs. 
If you're planning on going shopping I have a huge tip for you: SheIn has some AMAZING SALES, up to 80% off on lots of products. So hurry up and buy your must-haves for this season. Either is a cozy blouse made of a comfortable fabric, a flowy dress, those shorts you've dreamed of, those cool palazzo pants that are so in this summer, that kimono that protects your skin from all the sun rays.
Here are a few of my picks.

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