Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Earthy tones


EN: It's freezing again in Romania! Just when I thought spring is here, today I had to wear over the jacket another coat and I still felt the cold. Yucks!
Today I'm wearing two new additions to my wardrobe: the laser cut dress by B.A.D Style and the floral necklace from Appleineye. Two gorgeous items, isn't it? My Rare Love has the most beautiful statement accessories. If you don't believe me, check their site: www.appleineye.com and convince yourself. The dress has the perfect fabric, but is a bit large for me. That is why I chose to wear it with something over and to belt it. I think this way you can't tell is big for me. :)
Ohh, I almost forgot to tell you. Check my Facebook page: La Bohème, I have some awesome clothing for sale and I will keep adding new ones this week.
Also remember that you have only 4 days left to enter my GIVEAWAY with Choies.com where there will be two winners. Enter HERE

RO: Off, iar e frig rău! Tocmai când ziceam că vine primăvara a trebuit să pun azi peste jachetă și un palton și tot mi-a fost frig. Urât, urât!
Azi am purtat două noi adiții la garderoba mea: o rochie perforată de la B.A.D Style și un colier cu flori de la Appleineye. Două minunății, nu? My Rare Love are cele mai frumoase accesorii statement. Dacă nu mă credeți aruncați o privire pe site-ul lor: www.appleineye.com  și convingeți-vă singure. Rochia are un material perfect, imitație de piele perforată, însă e cam mare pentru mine. De aceea am ales să o port cu o jachetă peste și să pun și o curea. În așa fel nu pare că îmi este mare.
Aaa, mai că uitam să vă spun.. Intrați pe pagina mea de Facebook: La Bohème, pentru că am pus câteva haine la vânzare și voi mai adăuga altele noi săptămâna asta.
Și încă ceva, mai aveți doar 4 zile să vă înscrieți la CONCURSUL cu Choies.com unde vor fi doi câștigători. Înscrierile se fac AICI.

(click the pink word for the exact link/dați click pe cuvântul roz pentru link-ul exact)
Dress/Rochie - B.A.D Style
Necklace/Rochie - Appleineye
Jacket/Jachetă - ZLZ
Bag, boots/Geantă, botine - random store

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.


  1. Imi place ideea ta, prin a pune o curelusa peste jacketa<3

  2. Ador outfitul tau!!! Asa de frumos compus si asa bine iti vine! Si culorile...e splendid, ce sa mai zic?!

  3. Superba cromatica outfit-ului! Arati senzational in pozele astea :X :*

  4. Gecuta si colierul sunt superbe <3

  5. Jacheta care imi place atat de tare :X a mea s-a pierdut pe drum cred ;))

    te pup


  6. I love the jacket and the way you belted it, you look gorgeous!


  7. Combinatia de culori e minunata. I love the necklace. Bine defapt rochita e super tare, geaca si geanta sunt in sincron maxim, ce sa mai totul e super fain.

  8. you always look sooo perfect, matching everything with that amazing necklace, could it get more perfect? no way! :) xx
    Alice Barton ♥ TheMowWay

  9. Pretty sure I love everything about this outfit, dudette! :D The fact that you were able to find a shoe that perfectly matches the color of your jacket... whoa! Amazing! And that necklace is incredible, too. Have a rad week!

  10. beautiful outfit! xoxo


  11. Foarte frumoasa tinuta ta! Imi place mult combinatia de culori, iar geaca si colierul sunt superbe!


  12. That jacket and bag are perfect together!


  13. Yuck, it is so cold here too! I love the layers here, very pretty color combo!

  14. Cute look! Loving your coat and necklace!


  15. I love green colour, you look great!!



  16. I love the color of your leather jacket! Definitely not one you see every day :D

  17. I do love the whole outfit but that necklace really steals the show! It is gorgeous! I do love those boots too


  18. Really lovely :)) Dress is so beautiful!
    Love your jewelry!

  19. You look amazing. Love that cool dress and jacket!

    xx Mira


  20. thats a very rare green ! looks great on u !
    Thanks so much for ur comment on my blog ! If you want we can follow each other on GFC ,Bloglovin/Facebook..Let me know !

  21. That colours look good on you!

    And thank you for your pleasant comment on my blog! I checked your blog and I like it <3 Of this cause I would like to follow you on gfc and/or bloglovin. It would be great if you come again to my blog to follow me – then I will follow you immediately back.

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena


  22. Omigoodness, that necklace!!! I love it, and your hair looks lovely with the jacket. You always wear such inspiring ensembles :) Thanks for stopping over to my page, I know I haven't been updating much but I am so happy that you stop over and say hello when I do. I hope that it warms up in Romania, we could really use the warm weather over here too!!! Much love!
    xo, Alyssa


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