Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

The bags for spring


I don't know about you, but lately I have a thing for bags. I didn't payed that much attention to bags, I had only a few, but now I can't stop buying them! Yes, I can see a new addiction on the horizon! Doesn't matter the shape, color, fabric, I'm draw to all of them. :)) Although I must admit the colorful ones are my favorite and they're perfect for spring. When they have a great price is even better. Like the ones below, that are really pretty and they are not costly. You can find them all here: http://www.tbdress.com/Cheap-Fashion-Handbags-100548/. Which one is your favorite?



  1. Uuuuuuuhhh, handbags!!! Gotta love me some good handbags! I can totally understand the obsession. My favorite is the mint green one!


  2. The green one, and the last blue one... I love them! Sincer e greu sa alegi o genata dintr-o selectie asa mare , toate le vreau!!! :)))

  3. love all of them especially the pink one!


  4. Ce frumoaseee!! <3


  5. Thanks so much for your sweet words, they made my day!
    Uh, the mint and yellow ones are my favourite!

    Have a great week,

  6. Nice items! I like most of them. Thank you for a good post!

  7. Foarte dragute gentile, desi unele dintre ele imita modele celebre de genti cum ar fi aia roz care imita Hermes Birkin, sau ultima rosie care imita Louis Vuitton, dar asta e alta poveste. :))))
    Sa ai o duminica frumoasa!


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