Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label zaful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zaful. Show all posts

Don't go over your budget with this 8 dresses


Come on, come on, don't tell me, you have warm temperatures where you live?! I so envy you, in Romania is snowing again and we are freezing. But a girl is allowed to dream of hot days, right? And with dreams of hot days come dreams of lovely dresses. Oh, I can't wait to wear them again, they're the most cozy and chic clothing item for spring and summer. Colorful dresses embody perfectly the sunshine season. If you add a couple of these dresses from Zaful to your wardrobe you will be so happy with your choice and you will look fresh, ah-mazing! :D
Here are some suggestions I have for you. You can thank me later. 😂 😂😂

1, 2, 3, 4

Despre femeia în costum de baie


Costum de baie - HERE
Kimono - Koton

Măi, măi, aproape se făcu 1 an de când nu mai postai o ținută pe bătrânul blog...stai, stai, că nu-i bătrân deloc de fapt, mai degrabă școlar, că luna asta împlinește 7 ani. Să revin, 1 an ziceam, dar m-am întors. Bine, nu e ca și cum ar fi încetat viața pe pământ dacă nu m-aș fi întors, dar am zis totuși să nu risc. Știi, eu și viața încercăm să fim prieteni la cataramă și nu vreau să pierd asta.
Mnah, nu pot spune totuși "Pe cuvânt de cercetaș!" că asta ar fi ținută, dar vrea să se îndrepte într-acolo. Cum am spus și pe Facebook când am vrut să mă dau mare că voi posta ceva după hăt timp, avem așa: 

- una bucată femeie care s-a trezit taman în septembrie să pozeze în costum de baie, nu ca toate femeile ce se respectă și fac poze pe timp de vară. 

Beaded dresses - a cool trend for summer


A new trend rises above the rest this summer: the beaded dresses. Joining them in setting this trend are the flare dresses, of course. This can only make me happy as I am a big fan of dresses and skirts. They are so easy to wear, so comfy, that in summer they must be the go-to item. What is great about this dresses is that you can find them in more styles, the main ones being elegant and casual. Among them also being bohemian style, office style, romantic or glamourous style, and the list can go on.
In a hot summer day dresses are the perfect solution if you want to feel good ( light fabric) and look good (cool design).

This is the perfect example of the variety of beaded dresses you can find on the market:

10 fall items under 20$


What do I wear? Now that fall is here for the next couple of months, this question is already on every's fashion aficionados lips. To have an on trend and cool look I will introduce you with 10 pieces of clothing under 20$, great price and great designs. Include them in your wardrobe and you will feel great.
A key ingredient for making an outfit fantastic is confidence, if you have it you can rock anything. You have to love what you wear, feel good in those clothes. It doesn't matter how much they cost, if they have a low or a high price, it doesn't matter if they are designers items or not, all that matters is that you feel great wearing them. If they give you a boost of confidence wear them!

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