Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

How it was back then


Browsing chictopia.com I've found, like I've told you on my previous post, some photos of outfits that I've lost from my computer. So today I'm going to show you a couple of them, the ones that are suitable for this snowy, very cold weather that we are having in Romania, particularly in Bucharest.
Looking at these photos I notice that I used to wear pants a lot, now I can't even remember when it was the last time I wore a pair of pants.:)
Ohh..and sorry for the bad photos and everything, but I didn't knew that much about editing back then (1-2, maybe 3 years ago:)))..not that now I know.:P


  1. Ce mult imi place cea de-a doua poza :x Super bine iti statea si coafura !

  2. Soooooooooooooo lovely

  3. aratai super! cu forme dar erai super. Pacat ca te-ai delasat in halul asta. Pune shaorma deoparte si treci la sala! daca continui in ritmul asta o sa ajungi rau, ti-o spune o persoana patita.

  4. @anonim: De ce oare toti aveti impresia ca eu am vrut sa ma ingras?! Ai stat putin sa te gandesti ca aceste kilograme in plus sunt din cauza unor probleme de sanatate destul de serioase, nu din cauza faptului ca mananc excesiv. Daca mancam asa as fi fost grasa toata viata, nu doar m-as fi ingrasat acum deodata. Intotdeauna am mancat moderat si am avut grija de mine. Cat despre sala, aceleasi probleme ma impiedica sa fac prea mult efort. Te rog altadata sa te gandesti de doua ori inainte sa mai faci acest gen de afirmatii.

  5. hehe, foarte misto toate pozele, ce-mi place starea ta e spirit! cizmele alea cu floricele...le-as vrea acum :) sunt dementiale :)

  6. lovin the sweaters Dear especial the animal detail


  7. i so love everything!!! so stylish and chic... nice post!! kissess!!!

  8. Is good to find lost pictures... is like traveling in the time machine :D .. your face is so cute <3

  9. Ai niste poze minunate , tu esti minunata ! Ai un stil aparte , asa cum spui tu , mai boem .
    Cat despre rautatile unor oameni lasi , care nici macar nu isi arata identitatea , nu le baga in seama . Tu esti frumoasa oricum , ai un chip sincer si dulce , important e ca tu trebuie sa te simti bine in pielea ta si sa te mentii sanatoasa .
    Si vad ca o faci chiar foarte bine !
    Ne impresionezi mereu cu tinutele tale boeme . Tine-o tot asa ! ( si ignora ignoranta si incultura , mai ales )
    Hugs & Kisses - your new follower from www.dreamingofchanel.com

  10. You look so good in all of the pics! I can't even remember when you had the short hair style but it really suited you! Also my favourite look is the one with the adorable knit dress aaawww <3

  11. You look so cozy in these photos! It's super fun looking back a couple years and reflecting on how your style has changed. (Well, I think it's fun!)

  12. @Dreaming of Chanel:

    Multumesc tare, tare mult. Chiar m-ai facut sa ma simt mai bine!Apreciez cuvintele tale frumoase.
    Stiu ca genul acesta de comentarii nu ar trebui sa ma afecteze, dar sunt satula ca oamenii sa te critice mereu fara sa aiba habar care e situatia reala.


Say it like you mean it! :)

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