Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Back in business!


I'm back in business and the business like me in there:))! Maybe you wonder where I was these past two weeks or maybe you don't, but I will tell you anyway!:P Well, my computer died and it was so hard to resuscitate it, like a victim that doesn't want to live. Now it's alive though, but something is missing: all of my documents, all of my photos, in a word: EVERYTHING! You can imagine this brings so much joy in my life:(..or NOT! So for ten days I didn't had a computer, but I had some crappy rainy days (two weeks to be more exact), then when the computer was ok I didn't had a blogger to post anything.
But I did enjoyed some of the computer-free days. I went on a little vacation with the family and bf for three days. Some relaxation, landscapes and a great house. And since I don't have any outfits photos I will show you some photos from the vacation.

Horsie playing in the grass:

Lying in the sun on the lounge chair

Jumping! ( Jumping photos are a real trend now and I don't like following trends, but I do like to jump!:))
P.S: This is the only time you will see me in a sport ensemble:P

Views from the balcony

The house dog, Bobita

The bf and the dog

The house cat, Fritz

The rainbow

Views from the rooms

That's it!:)


  1. superbe peisaje. Avem o tara tare frumoasa, dar din pacate nu avem si sosele de calitate ca sa o putem vizita cu placere.

  2. Bine ai revenit :) Cat de superba e cea de-a doua poza cu privelistea din camera ! Ce n-as da sa ma trezesc in fiecare dimineata cu acel peisaj in fata...


  3. sunt de acord ,sosele ...ce bine ca ai fost in vacanta,superbe peisaje,asa as vrea si eu...te imbratisez cu drag!

  4. Bine ai revenit!Superbe peisaje, cred ca te-ai simtit super!xoxo

  5. it really is refreshing to stay out the internet and just enjoy our other life (the not virtual one)!

  6. Mi-a placut aia cu imbracamintea sport:)) Welcome back:*

  7. So glad to have you back

  8. love the view and photos so pretty!!

    lyndsey of hellolyndseyyy<3

  9. Wow!!! Love the dog .... and rainbow...!

    Following :D

  10. @Living: Total de acord, Laura!

    @Iulia Romana: Mersi! Da, era superb dimineata, iti facea o pofta de viata!:)

    @modniza: A fost placut sa ma mai detasez de probleme. Te imbratisez si eu!

    @Alina F: Mersi, Alina! Chiar m-am simtit grozav!

    @LiezyL: Refreshing indeed, Liezy!

    @Andreea: Da:D..nu suport sa ma imbrac sport, dar cateodata e nevoie:) Mersi!

    @sacramento: Glad to be here, thanks!

    @hellolyndsey: Yes, indeed a beautiful view:)

    @Aminta: The dog was 12 years old..a sweet, playful one! ..and the rainbow was amazing!
    Thank you and following back!

  11. BEAUTIFUL views! computer takes all our time these days really, if it`s not a computer it`s a mobile internet, it`s so good to enjoy days off it!


  12. this looks so peaceful!! I hate to admit it, but these pictures remind me of the fact how ungrateful I am with what I have... because whenever I am in a scenery as peaceful as that, I get bored... instead of just enjoying the fact that I am... like right now: I should enjoy the fact that F is mature and not ignoring me or something. He didn't want me (hoping he secretely does though) and I am still alive and kicking :) life goes on... and some day... I will be smart enough to stop and smell the roses :)


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