Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label Fashion Doctor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fashion Doctor. Show all posts

Bloggers get together


EN: Last week I had the pleasure to spent a lovely evening with Stella from Fashion Doctor. She won a giveaway organized on my father's culinary blog, a fancy dinner at Taverna Pescareasca "La Zavat" (you can enter too, the giveaway takes place every week).
Also don't forget to enter the two giveaways I'm currently having on my blog: for a $80 voucher to spend on Msdressy online store and for a t-shirt or a bag from JOY Fashion.
P.S: My skirt and tights are brown although they look black in the photos.

RO: Săptămâna trecută am avut plăcerea de a petrece o seară deosebită cu Stella de la Fashion Doctor. Ea a fost câștigătoarea concursului organizat pe blogul culinar al tatălui meu, o cină specială la Taverna Pescareasca "La Zavat" (puteți să vă înscrieți și voi la concurs, acesta are loc în fiecare săptămână).
Și să nu uitați să vă înscrieți și la cele două concursuri de pe blogul meu: pentru un voucher de 80 de dolari la Msdressy și pentru un tricou sau o geantă de la JOY Fashion.
P.S: Fusta și ciorapii mei sunt maro, deși în fotografii par de culoare neagră.

Dress worn a top/Rochie purtată ca bluză - Inlovewithfashion.com
Headband worn as necklace/Bentiță purtată drept colier - Moa
Skirt/Fustă - New Look
Cardigan, tights, boots/Cardigan, ciorapi, botine - random stores

And the food...(drooling)
Și mâncarea...(salivând)

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

Favorite Romanian blogs - Fashion


These are some of the Romanian bloggers I love now..and I'm sure you will love them too, that is if you don't already love them! Visit their blogs and you will be charmed!

                                     Gabriela from Ciobanu Gabriela
 She is the definition of  "chic"!

Andreea from Thrill of the Heel
She is an ace in combining modern and vintage clothes! I don't like her, I love her!

Alina from My Silk Fairytale
She rocks the minimalistic style and has great statement jewelry!

Stella from Fashion Doctor
Style is the middle name of this lady dentist!

Ioana from Fashezine
A fashionista in the true sense of the word!

Ana-Maria from High Street Cardigans
She takes fashion to another level!

Oliviana from Wonder Fashion
A master of colors!

Evelina and Sandra from The Hearabouts
 Fashion is like a second skin for these two girls! 
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