Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

The perfect boots for this season


EN: Ohh, fall, you're beautiful! But you're also rainy and cold. Meaning I have to wear some fine boots so I can keep up with you. I really like that lately I can choose from a variety of shoes. I remember when I was younger that just a few models were available and I was tired wearing those again and again. 
Below are my favorite boots for this season. I wouldn't mind owning them all. They do have small prices (can you believe they cost between 18$ and 25$?!) so I just might do that. :)
Which pair is your favorite?

RO: Hei, toamnă, ești minunată! Dar ești și ploioasă și răcoroasă. Asta însemnând că trebuie să port ghete și botine pentru a ține pasul cu tine. Îmi place totuși că în ultima vreme pot alege dintr-o varietate de modele. Îmi amintesc că atunci când eram mai tinerică existau doar câteva feluri de ghete și mă plicitseam purtându-le iar și iar.
Mai jos vedeți preferatele mele pentru acest sezon. Nu m-ar deranja să le am pe toate. Au prețuri foarte mici (vă vine să credeți că ele costă între 18 și 25 de dolari?!) așa că s-ar putea ca lucru ăsta să devină posibil.
Care sunt preferatele voastre?

Find them here, here, here and here.

Find them here, here, here and here.

Find them here, here, here and here.

Find them here, here, here and here.


  1. My favorite out of all is the Vintage Cap Toe Floral Patchwork Navy Martin Boots! I like that it's black with a touch of print on the sides. Definitely a standout amongst all the other basic black boots ;)

    Hope you can drop by my blog, too!

    x Megann, Style Surgery

  2. Mmmm, imi plac cateva de aici:)! Nu cele foooarte inalte pt ca as merge greu cu ele, mai ales daca da vreo zapada:)))! Pupicei

  3. Oh man, these boots are crazy! I love the bright red ones and the floral ones. ^_^ Thanks for the sweet comment you left on my blog, by the way! I appreciate it! <3

    - Anna


  4. wow! amazing selection! I just love the red and the last pair of white boots! how is your own boots collection? are you exited for the cold weather?



  5. Oh boy, oh boy :X Ce de frumuseti avem noi aici :D Nici nu stiu care-mi plac mai mult :))

  6. I love all boots! They are amazing!

  7. A really gorgeous selection!!
    What about following each other with gfc, bloglovin and facebook?
    Chic With The Least
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  8. Sa le port clar cele cu toc mic si mijlociu, sunt super in rest toate :)

  9. In love with all of these boots!

    Xo, Hannah



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