Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Thank you!


Issa from lil.lu ♥ bijoux was so sweet to award me with the Stylish Blogger Award, but since I've just done this, will give you the link again: Fall is here. Thank you so much, Issa, I really appreciate it and I'm happy that you thought of me.
As for you, guys, you should definitely check her store, she makes some wonderful handmade accessories. See it here!

I promise an outfit post soon, my life has been so hectic lately and I didn't had the time.
Thank you new and old followers! You're great!

I leave you with some beautiful photos I've took a week ago in a park:)


Meet my necklaces 2


Told you that I have a lot of necklaces, so here you have the second part. Which one do you like the most?

1. Painted wood beads-Ruxish, 2. Elephant-Biba Bijoux

 1. Bird free from the cage-Buy Hand, 2. Clock-Meli Melo, 
3. Robot-random store, 4. Cameo-Meli Melo

1. Choker-Terranova, 2. Iron necklace-random store, 3. Rose beads-Terranova

Sleepless night


Last night I couldn't sleep..again and as always and an idea came to my mind: why not post some of the outfits I wore last year and didn't had the chance to show it to you?!! Didn't found an answer to "why not?" and I decided to show them. It's going to be a long list, so be prepared..here I come!:D
What is your favorite from them?


Stylish Blogger Award


Yey, I got another stylish blogger award, I couldn't be more happy! I wanna thank Victoria from Fashion, Style, Beauty and more for giving me this award (kisses!). So I have to say 7 things about me and nominate 15 bloggers for this award, but since I've already done this once I will give you the link to the post: Fall is here! There you will find 7 random things about me.

Now let's nominate 15 bloggers.
Here they are:
Mad Hatter
Hope Adela
Fancy Teacup
Eve and Sandra

The order in which I choose you, girls, it's random. For me you all rock and are incredibly amazing! If you want to accept and post the award, please post a link to my blog, nominate your 15 favorite bloggers for the award, and share 7 interesting things about you.
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